Show me Fire fighter
Hand shape 5 fingers around head
Show me "bunny"
Both hands on top of head, "bunny ears"
Show me "SOCKS"
Pointing fingers
Show me "Monday"
Hand shaped "M", and twist
One way to get a Deaf persons attention
1. Tapping on table/ shoulder
2. Flashing lights
4. Waving
Show me "Doctor"!
Show me "bird"
Index finger and thumb "birds beak"
lifts hands like lifting pants
Show me "Wednesday"
Hand shaped "W", then you twist
Finger spell Hearing Aid
H E A R I N G - A I D
lift off!
Show me "Butterfly"
hand connect through thumb
Show me "SWEATER"
"S" hand shape, movement like if you're putting sweater on.
Show me Friday
Hand shaped "F", then twist
Share 4 lip reading discoveries from "El Deafo"
1. Don't cover your mouth
2. Mustache are no good
3. Must see a person's face at all times
4.Exaggerated mouth movements are confusing
5. Dark places are difficult to sign and lipread
6. Shouting is NO GOOD
7. Group discussions are impossible to understand
Show Me: Pilot
up, up !
Show me "My favorite animal ___________".
Scholar uses only ASL
Show me "BELT".
2 fingers (index and middle) slide like a belt.
Show me "Sunday".
both hands out, 5 top then 5 bottom
Sign: "Hello, my name is _______".
Finger spell out name.
Show me: ARTIST
Pink finger
Show me "Dinosaur"
Show me "Pajamas"
2 signs, first sign hand placed infront of face bringing forward, close eyes
second sign dress x2
Show me "Thursday"
Hand shaped "T" and "H", then twist
Good morning in ASL
Good morning