How does climate influence landscapes?
What are Earth's climates like?
What are the landscapes like?
What are the relief and rivers of Europe like?
What are landscapes in Europe like?

What is the definition of climate. What are the main two elements for describing climate?

Climate: the characteristic state of the atmosphere in a specific area over a long period of time

Main two elements: temperature and precipitation


The Earth is divided into five climatic zones. How many hot zones, temperate zones and cold zones are there?

One hot zone, two temperate zones and two cold zones


What are the three main types of landscapes in the hot zone depending on precipitation?

Rainforest, savannah and desert


Is Europe the first, second or third smallest continent on Earth?



Between which two climatic zones does Europe fall between?

The temperate zone and the cold zone in the Northern Hemisphere.


What is a landscape and what are the two different types of landscapes? 

Landscape: all the visible features of a large extension of land 


What are the two types of cold climates? For extra points, correctly list what the temperatures and precipitation is like in each climate type.

Polar climate and mountain climate. 

Polar climate: temperatures are the lowest on the planet and precipitation is very scarce

Mountain climate: temperatures are very ow in winter and cool in summer and precipitation is abundant (it often snows)

Describe what savannahs are like. Give at least two details.

Savannahs are large extensions of grassland with occasional shrubs and trees. They are mainly found in Africa. Savannahs are green in the wet season and dry in the dry season.


Europe has a very long and irregular coastline. List two significant coastal landforms

Peninsulas, islands, capes, and gulf


What part of Europe can we find a Mediterranean landscape?

the areas closest to the Mediterranean Sea


What are the factors that affect temperature and precipitation?

Distance from the equator: temperatures are higher near the Equator and temperatures become increasingly lower towards the poles 

Altitude: temperatures decrease as altitude increases

Proximity to the sea: water cools down and warms up more slowly than land


Where do each of the climatic zones lie between? Example: The hot zone lies between the _______ and the ______.

The hot zone lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The temperate zones lie between the tropics and the polar circles. The cold zones are located in the polar circles and high mountains.


There are three types of temperate landscapes: mediterranean, oceanic and continental. Explain the characteristics of two of these landscapes with at least two details each.

Mediterranean: mainly found around the Mediterranean Sea. The typical vegetation is Mediterranean forest. 

Oceanic: mainly found along the western and northern coasts of Europe and in North America. Vegetation is abundant and inland there are decidious forests. 

Continental: mainly found far from the sea, in inland areas of Europe, Asia and North America. Vegetation varies according to the climate.

The rivers of Europe flow into different seas or oceans. Name these five different seas or oceans.

Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean


What parts of Europe can we find oceanic and continental landscapes?

Oceanic: the areas closest to the Atlantic Ocean 

Continental: mainly in Eastern Europe


What are the thre different types of humanised landscapes?

Rural: people working in the primary sector (crop farming, livestock farming, forestry)

Industrial: people working in the secondary sector (factories) 

Urban: people working mainly in the service sector or the secondary sector


What are the three types of hot climates? For extra points, correctly list what the temperatures and precipitation is like in two climate types.

Equatorial climate: the average temperature is 25oC and precipitation is regular and very abundant

Tropical climate: the average temperature is above 20oC and precipitation falls mostly in one wet season

Desert climate: the average temperature is above 20oC (there is a sharp contrast between day and night temperatures) and precipitation is scarce


There are two types of cold landscapes: polar and mountain. Explain the characteristics of each landscape with at least two details.

Polar: found in the Arctic and in the Antarctic. There is no vegetation because no plants can grow at such low temperatures. There are small groups of Sami in Lapland and Inuit in North America. 

Mountain: found on the highest peaks of mountain ranges. Shrubs, scrub and meadows appear as altitude increases. Few people live in high mountain areas and work in lviestock farming and forestry.


There is an extensive plain in the centre of the continent. It consists of the Great European Plain, the Northern mountain ranges, and the Southern mountain ranges. List one characteristic of each section.

The Great European Plain: spreads across the centre and the east, Europe's main rivers flow through this plain

Northern mountain ranges: they are low with round, eroded peaks, the Ural Mountains make up Europe's natural border with Asia

Southern mountain ranges: these are higher and less eroded, the Elbrus is Europe's highest peak


What parts of Europe can we find polar and mountain landscapes?

Polar: in the areas nearest the Arctic Circle and in Russia

Mountain: the highest peaks on the continent


Each climatic zone on Earth has characteristic types of landscapes, depending on the distance from the Equator. Name an example of a landscape from the hot zone, the temperate zones, and the cold zones.

Hot zone: equatorial, tropical, desert

Temperate zone: mediterranean, oceanic, continental

Cold zone: polar, mountain


What are the three types of temperate climates? List what the temperatures and precipitation is like in all three climate types.

Mediterranean: temperatures are mild in winter and high in summer and precipitation is irregular and scarce (summer drought is common)

Oceanic: temperatures are mild all year round and precipitation is regular and abundant 

Continental: tempreatures are very low in winter and high in summer; precipitation is more than 500mm per year, it rains mostly in the summer


What landscape/zone is this climate graph from?



Describe and state the characteristics of one of the seas or oceans that the rivers of Europe flow into.

Mediterranean Sea: rivers have a low flow 

Caspian Sea: rivers are long with an abundant flow

Black Sea: rivers are long and navigable

Atlantic Ocean: rivers have an abundant flow and many are navigable

Arctic Ocean: rivers have an abundant flow and in winter they freeze


What landscape is this climate graph from?

Mediterranean landscape