Erosion and Depostion by Water
Erosion and Deposition by Wind, Ice and Gravity
Landforms and Florida
Bonus Misc
What causes Weathering? A. natural processes only B. chemical processes only C. weather-related processes only D. physical and chemical processes
What is D. physical and chemical processes?
A stream is found to cause more erosion and deposition than other streams in the same area. Which property of the stream would best explain this? A. low speed of flow B. high speed of flow C. low water temperature D. high water temperature
What is B. high speed of flow?
7. What force is mainly responsible for the erosion and deposition that happens in landslides, mudslides, and rockfalls? A. ice B. gravity C. temperature D. wind
What is B. gravity?
What formation results when a river deposits sediment and it slows down as it enters a large body of water? A. bay B. delta C. dune D. alluvial fan
What is B. delta?
Ms. Jefferson's favorite color is
What is green?
What can cause granite to break down into soil over time? A. rain and wind B. soil deposition C. heat from magma D. pressure underground
What is A. rain and wind?
While hiking in the mountains, Tanya observed a narrow and steep valley with running water at the bottom of it. What most likely caused the valley to first form? A. an earthquake B. running water C. a rock landslide D. erosion by wind
What is What is B. running water?
Elijah’s family is planning a camping trip. They would like to camp near sand dunes. In which place are they most likely to find sand dunes? A. a hill on an island B. a beach near an ocean C. a plateau near a canyon D. a valley in the mountains
What is B. a beach near an ocean?
Which is the main effect glaciers had on Florida? A. They made the climate cooler. B. They flattened the land by eroding it. C. They filled lakes and aquifers with meltwater. D. They affected ocean levels, causing waves to affect different areas of the coastline at different times.
What is D. They affected ocean levels, causing waves to affect different areas of the coastline at different times?
Ms. Jefferson's daughter's name is...
What is Kinsley?
Limestone rocks provide places for shore birds to perch. These rocks look rough because they have been broken down over time. Liam wants to label the picture to show what causes the rocks to be broken down by physical means. What parts of the picture should Liam label to show the things that break down the rock by physical means? A. the birds only B. the water only C. the birds and the water D. the water and the rock
What is C. the birds and the water?
Which of the following is the best definition of a floodplain? A. an area of land covered by a broad but shallow river B. an area of land that has been flattened because of flooding C. an area of flat land near a river that floods occasionally D. an area of land that is always underwater because of flooding
What is B. an area of land that has been flattened because of flooding?
In which place is a mudflow most likely to happen? A. a wooded slope B. a peak hidden by bushes C. a hillside covered in pine trees D. a sparsely vegetated mountainside
What is D. a sparsely vegetated mountainside?
One way to classify mountains is by how they form. The Appalachian Mountains formed in the following way. Which is the best description of the formation of these mountains? A. Earth’s crust bent because of forces pushing in from the sides. B. Earth’s crust bent because of forces pushing up and down. C. Rocks in Earth’s crust cracked and slipped upward because of pressure from the side. D. Rocks in Earth’s crust cracked and slipped upward because of pressure beneath the rocks.
What is D. Rocks in Earth’s crust cracked and slipped upward because of pressure beneath the rocks?
What is in the back of the classroom in the window.
Zora puts the two pebbles shown in a rock tumbler. The tumbler spins so the rocks bump against each other. When she takes the pebbles out, she discovers that pebble 1 had more abrasion than pebble 2. What can she conclude about the pebbles? A. Pebble 2 is softer than pebble 1. B. Pebble 2 is harder than pebble 1. C. Pebble 2 is less reactive than pebble 1. D. Pebble 2 is more reactive than pebble 1.
What is C. Pebble 2 is less reactive than pebble 1?
What is the correct term for the dropping out of the sediment? A. deposition B. erosion C. solidifying D. weathering
What is A. deposition?
How is a rockfall different from a rockslide? A. In a rockfall, a mass of rocks slides together, whereas in a rockslide, blocks of rock drop freely. B. In a rockfall, individual blocks of rock drop freely, whereas in a rockslide, a mass of rocks slides together. C. In a rockfall, a mountain slope collapses after heavy rains, whereas in a rockslide, large masses of rock fall after an earthquake. D. In a rockfall, an earthquake triggers rocks to slide together, whereas in a rockslide, a mountain slope collapses after heavy rains.
What is D. In a rockfall, an earthquake triggers rocks to slide together, whereas in a rockslide, a mountain slope collapses after heavy rains?
The following illustration shows an alpine glacier. The term alpine refers to a high mountain. Because of where it is located, what is another common name for an alpine glacier? A. valley glacier B. iceberg glacier C. landmass glacier D. continental glacier
What is A. valley glacier?
The purpose of the lesson is...
What is to explore how the Earth's surface can change as it relates to landforms.
Anna is creating a diagram that shows how rocks that contain quartz can become beach sand. The first part of her diagram shows how physical processes break down rocks. What else should she include in this part of her diagram? A. how abrasion happens B. how chemical weathering affects the rocks C. how flowing water tumbles the rocks together D. how small pieces of rock are moved to the beach
What is B. how chemical weathering affects the rocks?
Crops are often grown on floodplains because floodplains are usually very fertile. What is the main reason that floodplains are fertile? A. Floodplains receive high amounts of rainfall. B. Their flat surfaces result in little erosion of the soil. C. Sediment is deposited on the plain each time it floods. D. The soil takes in and holds the water from each flood.
What is C.Sediment is deposited on the plain each time it floods?
Glaciers form in cold areas with lots of snow. The snow must turn into ice to form a glacier. How does this happen? A. The cold wind blows across the top of the snow, turning it into ice. B. The snow builds up, and its weight compresses the snow below into ice. C. The snow melts as it falls and then freezes once it hits the cold ground. D. The temperature on the ground is cold enough to turn the snow into ice.
What is B. The snow builds up, and its weight compresses the snow below into ice?
For millions of years, large amounts of glacial ice formed on Earth, covering huge areas of land. It then melted, or receded. When large amounts of glacial ice formed, large amounts of water froze. When the glacial ice melted, it released water into the oceans. Based on this information, what effect did glaciers have on the formation of Florida? A. Florida’s coastlines were eroded only during cold periods. B. Florida’s coastlines were eroded only during warm periods. C. Different parts of Florida’s coastlines were eroded during warm and cold periods. D. Florida’s mountains were eroded only during warm periods.
What is C. Different parts of Florida’s coastlines were eroded during warm and cold periods?
I can find today's standard....
What is On the door connecting to Ms. Porter's classroom.