Adding/Subtracting Decimals
Dividing Decimals
Multiplying Decimals
Multi-step problems
Decimal Basics
three hundred six and thirty-six thousandths plus twelve and eighty-nine hundredths.
35.22 divided by .5
66.2 x 6.7
200. minus 36.69 then multiply by 3.8
Which number is greater? 323.899999 or 323.9
four hundred seventy-six and two hundredths minus one hundred thirteen and forty-seven hundredths
thirty-six and two hundred four thousandths divided by eight and sixty-two hundredths
thirty-eight and four tenths times nine and three hundredths
You have twenty-three dollars. You buy a book for five dollars and ninety-two cents and a ruler for a dollar and fifty cents. How much money do you have left?
123.456 What are the place values for each number? ex. "The one is in the _____ place."
1 - hundreds 2 - tens 3 - ones 4 - tenths 5 - hundredths 6 - thousandths
Johnny was looking for some extra money around the house. He did some chores around the house for twenty-five dollars and twenty-five cents. Then he found one dollar and seventy-nine cents in the couch. Then he payed eight dollars and fifty cents for a new toy. How much money did he have left?
Justin Beiber, Beyonce, Herbert Hoover, and a catfish run a relay race around the school. Their total time was seven hundred twenty-five and sixty-four hundredths of a minute. What is the average time for one member of the team.
181.41 minutes
Frederick has a new job delivering papers for eleven dollars and forty-nine cents an hour. If he works for four hours a day, how much money did he make for the week?
Patrick Henry has a fund raiser for the school. We raised three hundred forty-two dollars and ninety-two cents on one day. On the next we raised, two hundred one dollars and five cents. It cost one hundred twelve and sixty-two cents. How much money was raised?
ABOUT how much is this problem to the nearest whole number? 34.9212 x 39.8
35 x 40 = 1400
Batman, Superman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman are all running in a relay race. Batman and Superman both run with a time of forty-five and nine thousandths seconds. Wonder Woman runs a time of forty-two and twenty one thousandths seconds. The Flash has the fastest time of forty and twenty-five hundredths. What was the whole teams' time?
172.289 seconds
Patrick Henry threw a HUGE fundraiser to help benefit the local animal shelter. If the school raised one thousand two hundred fifty-four dollars and forty cents and five hundred twelve people showed up, what was the average donation?
The atomic mass of an iron atom is 55.856 atomic mass units. If we were able to count out 79 atoms. What would that matters' atomic mass be?
4412.624 amu
There are 75 students in the fifth grade. Every four students need to share a box of crayons. If each box of crayons cost two dollars and thirty-six cents, how much money will this cost
75/5 = 15 x 2.36 = $35.40
Put these numbers in order from least to greatest: 1, 1.01, 0.5, 0.09, 0.25
0.09, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.01
Wonder Woman is training for the Super Hero Olympics. She is competing in the mile race. When she first started her time was seven and a quarter minutes. Because of training she was able to cut one and four hundred seventy-two thousandths minutes off her time. How fast does she run the mile now?
5.778 minutes
You want to buy all the APPLES (not candy) you can with your money. You can go with NY Apples that charge four dollars and fifty-six cents for twelve apples or, you can go with VA apples at three dollars and seventy-two cents for six apples. What is the cost per apple for both and which is the better deal?
NY: 4.56 / 12 = 0.38 an apple (NY wins!) VA: 3.72 / 6 = 0.62 an apple
Billy Bob Joe works very hard at his job at the ninja factory. He gets payed twenty-two dollars fifteen cents an hour. He works for five and a half hours everyday and has a day off on Saturday. How much is he payed for a month of work?
22.15 x 5.5 = 121.825 x 6 = 730.95 x 4 = $2923.80
The Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Ms. Bynum ran a relay race. Their final time was sixty-two and four hundred fifty-two thousandths of a second. If all participants ran the same time and each one was able to cut a second off their time, what would that time be?
62.452 / 4= 15.613 - 4 = 11.613 seconds
What does a decimal show?
acceptable answers (A decimal shows a part of a whole number. Example 1.5 is halfway between 1 and 2.