Reformers who want to end slavery.
Who are abolitionists.
The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery above this line.
What is the 36'30 parallel.
South Carolina tried to nullify this tariff and threatened to secede from the Union if it was not lowered.
The expansion of this feeling occurred after the U.S. defeated Britain for the second time in the War of 1812.
What is Nationalism.
When the people living in a state/territory get to vote to decide to become a free or slave state/territory.
What is popular sovereignty.
The first call for Women's Suffrage happened here in 1848.
Seneca Falls Convention
The U.S. annexed Texas from this country in 1845.
These people supported President Andrew Jackson and helped him get elected.
The U.S. did not want to rely on European countries for manufactured goods and so they attempted to become this during the Market Revolution.
What is self-sufficient.
This admitted California as a free state, created a stronger Fugitive Slave Law, allowed popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession, and banned the slave trade in Washington, D.C.
What is the Compromise of 1850.
This religious movement emphasized spiritual equality and helped inspire the abolition and temperance movements.
What is the Second Great Awakening.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War and resulted in the U.S. gaining this territory.
What is the Mexican Cession.
Jackson made this law to force Native Americans to leave their land.
This plan created by Henry Clay tried to strengthen the National Bank, raise tariffs, and improve infrastructure (roads and canals) to try and make America self-sufficient.
What is the American System.
This act cancelled out the Missouri Compromise.
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
This book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe was very influential to the abolition movement.
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin.
This attempted to ban slavery in the Mexican Cession Territory, angering the South.
What is the Wilmot Proviso.
The tragic journey Native Americans took after being forced to leave their land.
What is the Trail of Tears.
Henry Clay's American system benefitted this region of the country more than the others.
What is the North.
This political party wanted to stop the expansion of slavery into western territories.
What is the Republican or Free Soil Party.
The Declaration of Sentiments used this founding document to support the claim that women should have the right to vote.
What is the Declaration of Independence.
The U.S. gained the Oregon Territory from this European country.
What is Britain.
Jackson ignored the ruling of Supreme Court Justice John Marshall in this case.
What is Worcester v. Georgia.
The two major infrastructure projects constructed during the Era of Good Feelings.
What are the Erie Canal and the National Road.
This court case decided that African Americans were not citizens, that Congress could not ban slavery in any federal territories, and made the Missouri Compromise illegal because the government couldn't tell people what to do with their property.
What is Dred Scott v. Sanford.