Mexican American War
The Reconstruction Era
The Civil War
The Political Civil War
Rise of Jim Crow/ Civil War Medicine

1. The Mexican-American war was mostly fought over what territory?

2. When was the Mexican-American war fought?

3. What was the land gained by the United States in the Mexican-American War called?

1. Texas

2. 1846-1848

3. Mexican Cession


1. He drew up the 10% plan for Reconstruction

2. He tried to carry out Lincoln's plan for readmitting the Southern states to the Union

3. Group of Congressmen that included Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens

4. President who supported Congress' tough Reconstruction policies

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Andrew Johnson

3. Radical Republicans

4. Ulysses S. Grant


1. What law allowed California to enter the Union as a free state?

2. The economy of the South was based on what?

3. This was the boundary line for slavery set by the Missouri Compromise

4. What was the first state to secede from the Union?

1. Compromise of 1850

2. Farming & agriculture

3. 36 30'

4. South Carolina


1. Election of 1860

2. States Rights

1. Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party are elected. This led the South to secede in fear.

2. Southern States believed States had the right to govern themselves and could secede.


1. Where were the Jim Crow laws more prevalent in?

2. What the legacy of Jim Crow refers to?

1. They were more prevalent in the rural areas rather than the southern cities.

2. In the late nineteenth century, white lawmakers in the United States created a set of policies, collectively called “Jim Crow,” that created segregated facilities, like schools and parks, for African Americans in the South.


1. What state came out of the land gained from the war and the treaty?

2. Texas Revolution?

1. Nevada; California; Arizona; Utah

2. War between Texas settlers and Mexico from 1835-1836 resulting in the formation of the Republic of Texas


Reconstruction ended when he withdrew the last federal troops from the South

Southern whites who gained political office during Reconstruction

Rutherford B. Hayes



1. What was the original capital of the Confederacy?

2. What were the four main types of technology that were used during the Civil War?

3.  What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

4. What were some of the challenges that soldiers faced during the war?

1. Montgomery, Alabama

2. Telegraph, railroad, iron clad, and weapons.

3. Freed the slaves

4. Sickness, weather, and the lack of food.


1. Fort Sumter

2. Bombardment of Fort Sumter

1. This Confrontation in Charleston, South Carolina sparked the Civil War.

2. The Confederated opened fire on Union troops in Charleston Harbor. Lincoln called for 70,000 volunteers to defend the Union.


1. What best describes Jim Crow Laws?

2. What effect did Plessy v. Ferguson have on Jim Crow laws?

1. Jim Crow laws were any state or local laws that enforced or legalized racial segregation. These laws lasted for almost 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until around 1968, and their main purpose was to legalize the marginalization of African Americans. 

2. The Court's “separate but equal” decision in Plessy v. Ferguson on that date upheld state-imposed Jim Crow laws. It became the legal basis for racial segregation in the United States for the next fifty years.


1. Who was the U.S. president during the Mexican-American War?

2. What famous general led the Mexican Army?

1. James K. Polk

2. Santa Anna


1. It was used by Southern whites to deny the right to vote to black and their descendants

2. Number of the amendment that gave citizenship to Negros

3. Number of the amendment that gave all men the right to vote

4. Laws used by Southern whites to limit the freedoms and right of ex-slaves

1. Grandfather Clauses

2. 14th Amendment

3. 15th Amendment

4. Black Codes


1.  Why were musical instruments important?

2.  What was a major cause of fatalities during the war?

3. What was the lowest rank in the order of hierarchy? Highest?

1. To sound calls and lead daily activities

2. Sickness

3. Lowest-Privates; Highest-Generals


1. Richmond, VA

2. South Carolina

1. After Ft. Sumter on April 1861, Virginia seceded from the Union and became Capital of the Confederate Government.

2. A month after Lincoln's election in 1860, it was the first State to secede from the Union. Quickly followed by other states in the deep South.


1. What was medical education like at the outset of the Civil War?

2. What role did physicians have in the recruitment process?

3. What did soldiers eat? How nutritious was their diet?

4. Why did more men die of disease than wounds?

1. Two years of medical school. Used dead bodies 40 medical schools before civil war. And had a medical manual. No sanitary precautions. Disease was thought to be bad luck.

2. The physicians played the role of deciding if the recruits were healthy and fit. If not they were sent home.

3. They ate "hard tack" (hard wheat flower cracker), salt-cured pork, fresh pork and beef steak, and canned food. Not as nutritious as it could be.

4. The doctors did not know to keep things clean, used poison in most treatments.


1. What peace treaty ended the war?

2. What U.S. general captured Mexico City?

1. $15 Million

2. Winfield Scott


1. Laws violated by President Andrew Johnson which lead to his impeachment

2. Law passed in 1866 to guarantee various legal right for blacks.

3. Laws that divided ten former Confederate States into 5 military districts

1. Tenure of Office Act

2. Civil Rights Act

3. Reconstruction Acts


1. What was the occupation of the average soldier during the war?

2. What prompted President Lincoln to call for 75,000 volunteers over a 90 day period?

3. What was the nickname for a soldier from the North?

4. What was the nickname for a soldier from the South?

1. Farmer

2. Attack of Fort Sumter

3. Yankee

4. Rebels


1. West Virginia

2. Secede

1. The State of Virginia split in two when one part of the State refused to secede.

2. To withdraw from the Union


1. What was the ratio of soldiers' death from disease and sickness to deaths from battle wounds?

2. What is a triage?

3. Who is credited with established triage during the Civil War and formalizing the medical corps?

4. How were sick and wounded soldiers transported?

5. Why were so many amputations performed during the Civil War?

1.  2/3 died of diseases 1/3 died of wounds

2. Sorting and transportation of wounded. Ranking them on how serious there condition is.

3. Doctor John Letterman

4. Wagons, hospital trains, and stretchers

5. Bullets would cause to much damage to ones limb. Did not have right materials to get out safely. It could get infected.




Who was the first President of Texas?

Sam Houston (Hint how the city of houston got it's name)


1. Organization that used threats and violence to keep blacks away from pools

2. It was outlawed by the 13th amendment

3. Northerners who went south after the Civil War looking for political and economic opportunities

4. House of Congress that impeached President Andrew Johnson

1. The Ku Klux Klan

2. Slavery

3. Carpetbaggers 

4. House of Representatives


1. What did the common Union soldier fight for?

2. What did the common Confederate soldier fight for?

3. What was the first major land battle of the Civil war and demonstrated the war would not be short?

4.  What two Union victories gave them a morale boost and split the Confederacy in half?

5. Why was the war less damaging to the economy of the North than to that of the South?

6. What advantages did the North have on the South?

1.  To preserve the Union and keep them together

2. Defending Homeland

3. Battle of Bull Run

4. Vicksburg & Gettysburg

5. The south had the majority of damage done on the land

6. More fighting power, more factories, greater food production, and more extensive railroad system


1. C.S.A

2. Confederacy

1. Confederate States of America

2. A group, a league of States


1. How common was the use of anesthesia?

2. Where were field hospitals located?

3. Who served as nurses?

4. Was there a difference between the flags of the Union and the Confederate Medical Departments?

5. What role did women play in Civil War medical care?

6. Why did embalming become important during the Civil War?

1. 95% of surgery used it to put soldiers asleep - examples - ether and chloroform

2. A tent or anything they could use, or a nearby house or barn, church

3. 80% men 20% women and wounded soldiers would help their friends when they got better. Men who were to injured to fight again.

4. The Union flag was yellow with a green H and the Confederate flag was red flag

5. The army realized they needed women to help in the hospital and some even dressed up as soldiers, Also spies.

6. They tried to hide the smell with pine balms and embalming surgeons. People wanted the family member that died with them to bury.