Documents, Acts and Trends
Causes of Revolution
The Presidencies of Washington and Adams
The Constitution
Battles and Conflict

While the Articles of Confederation were widely seen as a failure, this ordinance was seen as a massive success as it provided a blue print for how new territories could become states. 

The Northwest Ordinance 


At the end of the French and Indian War, salutary neglect was no longer used with the passing of this act that limited where colonists could move to.

(The King did not want to pay to protect the colonists west of the App. mountains)

The Proclamation of 1763


What were the main provisions of Alexander Hamilton's financial plans as Secretary of the Treasury?

Establish a National Bank, have the Federal Government assume the debts of the states

Once it was decided that population would determine representation in congress, this compromise was established for how slaves would be counted towards a states population.

3/5s compromise 


Without the help of these nations, the Patriots would most likely not have won the American Revolution.

France and Spain


With enlightenment ideals making their way to America in the 1700s, where did many of the Patriots believe that the power in the Government truly rested?

With the people


What was the cause of the Boston Tea Party?

Great Britain attempted to save the British East India Company and only allowed the Colonies to drink their tea. The tea was actually cheaper even with the taxes that were placed on it. 


What was the main goal of Adam's Sedition Act?

To intimidate, end criticism of Adam's foreign policy towards France

At the constitutional convention, this political group called for a strong federal government.

The Federalists


What were the specific causes of the French and Indian War?

Long Term: Country Rivalry between Britain and France 

Immediate: Fighting over claims in the Ohio River Valley


Republican Motherhood was the idea that....

Women were responsible to teach their children American values and the importance of republicanism 


This group of women fought for the American colonies' independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution by sewing goods that were boycotted. 

The Daughters of Liberty 


This Rebellion that broke out amongst Farmers was quickly put down by Washington and the Army he was able to raise. It showed the new powers of the Federal Government.

Whiskey Rebellion 


The Great Compromise established a Bicameral Legislature that....

Had two houses, one decided by population (House of Rep. and one where all were equally represented)


Following this farmer led rebellion, it was clear that the Articles of Confederation may have been too weak to work. 

Shay's Rebellion

Following the signing of the Treaty of Paris (1783), what marked the western boarder of the now United States of America?

The Mississippi River 


The various tax acts (Tea, Sugar, Townshend) were placed on the colonists for what reason?

To pay back the massive British War debts from the French and Indian War. 


What were the main messages of Washington's farewell address?

Avoid European Conflicts and Permanent Alliances

Political Parties will tear the nation appart


In an attempt to ensure no one power became too powerful in our government, the framers of the Constitution set up a series of what?

Checks and Balances


This American Revolutionary Battle was seen as the turning point of the war, as following patriot victory, France and Spain began to aid the Patriots.

The Battle of Saratoga 


To ensure that Anti-Federalists would ratify the Constitution, this was added to help protect Americans from the Federal Government 

The Bill of Rights 


"The mother country is no longer helping her colonies benefit, and the mercantilist relationship is no longer helpful to the colonies. Thus, it is common sense for the colonies to separate." (Jan. 1776) Many colonists shared this Patriot's ideas when it came to fighting for American Independence. 

Thomas Paine


Pinkeney's treaty was one of Washington's greatest foreign policies during his presidency. What did it establish with Spain?

The ability to use the Port of New Orleans 

What did the Constitution establish to insulate (protect) the selecting of the Presidency from popular will?

The Electoral College


The first shots fired in the American Revolution were fired during these battles, when British troops marched to take a weapons cache that the patriots had began to build up.

Lexington and Concord