What is the answer if you convert 3/4 to a decimal?
What is 0.75?
100 is 200% of what number?
What is 50?
50 and 10
Find what % of 50 is 10
What is 20%?
What is the total of 1/4 x 32=?
What is 8?
What is 10% of 50?
What is 5?
What is the answer if you convert 1/2 to a decimal?
What is 0.5?
12 is 40% of what number?
What is 30?
100 and 50
Find what % of 100 is 25
What is 25%?
What is the total of (3 x 4) x 1/4?
What is 3?
What is 75% of 100?
What is 75?
What is the answer if you convert 7/10 to a decimal?
What is 0.7?
25 is 5% of what number?
What is 500?
40 and 8
What % of 40 is 8?
What is 20%?
What is the total of (7 x 2) x 1/4=?
What is 3.5?
What is 20% of 150?
What is 10?
What is the answer if you convert 1/5 as a decimal?
What is 0.2?
What is 15% of 200?
What is 30?
200 and 150
Find what % of 200 is 150
What is 75%?
What is the total of 1/4 x (5 x 6)?
What is 7.5?
What is 30% of 200?
What is 60?
What is the answer if you convert 3/100 as a decimal?
What is 0.03?
75 is 15% of what number?
What is 500%?
300 and 90
Find what % of 300 is 90
What is 30%?
What is the total of 1/4 x (8 x 3)?
What is 6?
What is 60% of 300?
What is 180?