the opposite of "full"
a big ocean wave that comes after an earthquake in the sea
Tom měl narozeniny.
It was Tom´s birthday.
O půlnoci spala.
She was sleeping at midnight.
They went to the beach and swam in the sea.
a wall that stops water in a river or lake
a dam
too much water in a place because of heavy rain or a river overflowing
Nějaký muž se dostal do jejich domu skrz okno do koupelny.
A man got into their house through the bathroom window.
Čekala v autě, zatímco my jsme nakupovali.
She was waiting in the car while we were shopping.
Tom mluvil po telefonu, zatímco řídil.
Tom was talking on the phone while he was driving.
say something in a way that helps others understand
a very strong storm with fast wind and heavy rain
Co se stalo dál?
What happened next?
Kam jsi jel včera v pět hodin odpoledne?
Where were you going yesterday at five p. m.?
Když jsme přišli do restaurace, sundali jsme si své kabáty.
When we came to the restaurant, we took off our coates.
in the direction of something
the ground shakes because our planet moves
O minutu později voda zvedla auto a hodila ho proti stromu.
A minute later, the water picked up the car and threw it against a tree.
Byl tak vtipný. Měl na sobě růžovou košili a oranžové kraťasy.
He was so funny. He was wearing a pink shirt and orange shorts.
Slyšel jsem náraz, když jsem ležel v posteli.
I heard a crash when I was lying in bed.
a small piece of cloth for cleaning your nose or face
a lot of snow falls quickly down a mountain.
Uklízečka zametla podlahu a odešla.
The cleaning lady swept the floor and left.
Minulý rok touto dobou jsme leželi na pláži a opalovali se.
This time last year, we were lying on the beach and sunbathing.
Všichni jsme v sobotu pracovali v kanceláři, protože jsme museli dokončit náš projekt do pondělí.
We were all working in the office on Saturday because we had to finish the project by Monday.