Mixed bag
Professional Standards & Ethics
Personal health & appearance
Democratic Leader
What is the type of leader that encourages the participation of all individuals in decisions that have to be made or problems that have to be solved? The leader listens to the opinions of others, and then bases decisions on what is best for the group as a whole.
What is HOSA
What is HOSA Health Occupations Students of America A national organization for students enrolled in health occupations programs.
What includes a threat or attempt to injure.
What is assault?
Is a system of practical skills that allows an individual to use time in the most effective and productive way possible.
What is time management
How should your nails appear & why?
Short and clean. If fingernails are long and/or pointed, they can injure patients. They can also transmit germs, because dirt can collect under long nails. Nail polish is discouraged because the color can conceal any dirt.
Truthfullness and integrity.
What is honesty.
What does HIPPA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Account-ability act of 1996. Protects the privacy and security of a person's health information.
What is the term for any care that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish.
A set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong.
What is ethics
What are three things you should do to maintain good health?
Rest, Exercise, Good posture, Avoid use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind after the procedure and all risks involved have been explained in terms the person can understand.
What is informed consent.
What does OBRA stand for?
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 Does not allow centers to employ persons who were convicted of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment
Patient self-determination act of 1990, ensures that patients are informed of their rights and have the opportunity to determine the care they will receive. What is the abbreviation?
What is PSDA?
You must enjoy your work and display a positive attitude. It helps you to do your best and encourages others to do the same.
What is enthusiasm
This should always be neat, well fitting, clean and free from wrinkles. Sometimes this must be a specific color.
What is a uniform
This occurs when false statements either cause a person to be ridiculed or damage the person's reputation.
What does NATCEP stand for?
Nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program This is a requirement by the OBRA, to work long term care, you must complete a state-approved nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program.
The following examples that are included in what? Considerate and respectful care; obtain complete current information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis; privacy concerning a medical care program.
Patient's Bill of Rights
This is an act, behavior, or comment that is sexual in nature.
What is professional sexual misconduct
Why is personal hygiene important?
Because health care workers typically work in close contact with others, body odor must be controlled.
What is the term that matches this definition = information given to health care personnel by a patient; by law this information must be kept confidential and shared only with other members of the patient's health care team.
Privileged Communications
What does NCSBN stand for?
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
What is a legal document(s) that allow individuals to state what medical treatment they want or do not want in the event that they become incapacitated and are unable to express their wishes regarding medical care.
Advance/Legal Directives
What is the difference between criminal & civil laws?
Criminal laws are concerned with offenses against the public and society in general. Civil laws are concerned with relationships between people. (example contracts and nursing practice)
This can be defined as the body's reaction to any stimulus that requires a person to adjust to a changing environment.
What is Stress.