I Can't Believe It's Not My System of Belief
The Emperor's New Groove
M.O.M.S. Get It Done
We Have the BEEF!

This variation of Islam is what the Safavid Empire believed in, and caused them to be in constant war with their two Muslim Imperial Neighbors.

What is Shia Islam?


This was the central system used by the Aztecs to exert power and authority over their subjugated peoples. 

What is tribute?


This Land-Based Empire replaced the Delhi Sultanate thanks to the efforts of its founder, Babur.  

What is the Mughal Empire?


This event occurred in 1453.

What is fall of Constantinople/death of Byzantium?


This empire constructed massive, lavish sun temples that were plated with gold for their rituals that was their primary method of controlling the people with authority.

What is the Inca?


If you were a Janissary or a high ranking official in the Ottoman Government, you most likely were of this faith when you were born.

What is Christianity?


Shah Abbas put the Safavid power literally on the map by introducing this innovation.

What is gunpowder?


This imperial leader gained the right to call themselves the champion of Islam and thus had the right to call for official jihad against enemies of the faith. 

Who is the Ottoman Sultan?


The ethnically Han Chinese were controlled by this group of outsiders during the Qing Dynasty Era. 

Who are the Manchus/Manchurians?


This invention was vital to the spread and success of Lutheranism. 

What is the Printing Press?


This practice was inherited by the Mongols and was used by Akbar to make his empire finally stable and successful in the highly divided region of India.

What is religious tolerance?


The Ottoman Empire used this to promote and post the most effective officials to run the empire, often training slaves to become highly effective bureaucrats who were loyal to the Sultan. 

What is the Devshirme?


Under Qing and Russian control, this occurred to the Silk Road and the associated states and city centers along that crossroad. 

What is collapse/economic decay?


This practice by the Qing was done to identify and eliminate rebels among the Han Chinese. 

What is the queue?


The Janissaries were a force capable of fighting any threat with great skill, a uniform strategy, and decades of training, making them one of the first examples of what?

What is a professional army?


This event caused a split in the Roman Catholic Church, and was instigated by a man the pope described as "another drunk German who just needs to sleep off his hangover"

What is the Protestant Reformation/95 Theses?


This belief/religious policy was dominant in Europe, and made the Catholic Pope a central figure in deciding how succession of thrones would play out, and also made Lutheranism appealing to many princes and minor lords. 

What is Divine Right of Kings?


This Mughal Emperor helped cause the ultimate death of his state by asserting Muslim supremacy in India, and inadvertently helped the eventual take over of India by Great Britain.  

Who is Aurangzeb?


This religious group was effectively genocided within the borders of the Safavid Empire by decree of Shah Ismail.

Who are Sunni Muslims?


This environmental event helped the Qing take over China, caused the collapse of most North American civilizations, and also caused crop failures in Europe, helping the Ottomans carve out more of the Christian world. 

What is the Little Ice Age?


This new religion emerged in this period as today's 5th largest religion, and blended various ideas of Islam and Hinduism into a monotheistic faith that believes in reincarnation. 

What is Sikhism?


Emperor Kang Xi committed to producing a massive government program to depict himself as this in order to help gain favor from the Chinese population he ruled over with portraits of himself and projects.

What is a good Confucian/scholar?


These were Mughal tax collectors who were given a district of farmers to oversee and were noble by birth, and eventually these became corrupt and helped kill the Mughal Empire internally. 

Who were Zamindars? 


This societal practice alienated the Ottomans from other Muslim powers and was one that was inherited from their own pastoralist background and from the Mongolian empire. 

What are opportunities for women?


Much like the Abbasid Caliphate before them, the Safavids and the Ottomans used this to help deal with internal and external threats, but unlike the Abbasids, never lost their loyalty. 

What is a slave army?