Rebellion & Treaties
Revolutionary Thought

What was the result for France after the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)?

They lost almost all their North American territory. 


Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger British colonists?

They wanted to expand into the land won from the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War).


Which political group would only agree to the constitution after the Bill of Rights was added?

The Anti-Federalists (Democratic-Republicans, Jeffersonians)


Jay's Treaty kept the US out of war with ______________. 



True or False: Most colonial writers used the language of slavery literally, meaning they thought the institution of slavery should end.

FALSE: they used it metaphorically


The Stamp Act enraged colonists because it was the first _______ tax on the colonies.



How did women help in colonial protests?

By taking part in spinning bees and boycotts. 


What's one thing the Articles of Confederation did successfully? 

Allowed the US to sign a treaty with France; Allowed the US to fight and win a war; Allowed the US to sign the Treaty of Paris; Treaty of Greenville


Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 enraged _________________

Republicans; Jeffersonians; Jeffersonian Republicans; Democratic-Republicans; Thomas Jefferson


_____________________ ideals hugely impacted the Declaration of Independence and Thomas Paine's "Common Sense." 



The Battle of ________, where Washington rowed across the Delaware the morning after Christmas, was the Continental Army's first important victory.



The Treaty of Paris, the treaty that ended the Revolution, was signed in ______.



What is the idea behind Separation of Powers?

Split the government into three parts so no one part has too much power. 


Name one thing about the Alien and/or Sedition Acts.

1. The Alien Acts gave the president the ability to deport any dangerous foreign person
2. The Sedition Act limited free speech


In what way did suffrage (voting rights) in the United States grow after the American Revolution?

Many states eliminated or reduced their property requirements, and some places like NJ even gave the vote to women. 


In what ways did suffrage not grow?


Why was the Battle of Saratoga significant?

The French joined the war. 


Shay's Rebellion proved that the ___________ were not a strong enough form of government. 

Articles of Confederation


What were two parts of Hamilton's economic plan?

1. funding the national debt
2. assuming state debts
3. excise taxes
4. tariffs
5. charter a national bank 


What was the Great Compromise (aka The Connecticut Compromise) at the Constitutional Convention?

It gave us three branches of government, one of which, the legislative, which is split into two parts, the house and the senate, the representation of the prior based on population, the latter a fixed number.


How did northern states address slavery in the years following the revolution?

They began instituting laws that gradually emancipated (freed) enslaved people. 


What effects did the American Revolution have on the rest of the Atlantic World?

It triggered a number of revolutions, primarily:
1. The French Revolution, where the people wrote their own version of the Declaration
2. The Haitian Revolution, where the enslaved plantation workers overthrew French and English colonizers. 


The 1.________ Rebellion occurred because, as part of 2.____________ economic plan, the government taxed the 1.(same as the first blank) made in 3.________________. 

1. Whiskey
2. Hamilton's
3. Pennsylvania


How was the rebellion put down?


What did Anti-Federalists believe in?

the proposed Constitution gave too much power to the federal government at the expense of the states, fearing a strong central government would become tyrannical and infringe on individual liberties


What was the 3/5 Compromise and why did the Constitutional Convention create it?

The 3/5 Compromise decided that enslaved people would count for 3/5 of a person in terms of representation. This made both the northern states, who wanted to get rid of slavery, and the southern states, who had high slave populations, happy. 


What arguments did Thomas Paine make for Independence in "Common Sense," and why were they so persuasive? 

He argued a mother should not devour their young (Britain shouldn't mistreat the colonies), that just because a baby drinks milk in its first year it shouldn't for the rest of its life ( colonist's dependence on Britain), and that God made the colonies far from Britain for a reason (geographical argument). They were so persuasive because they were simple, or in other words: COMMON SENSE.