The freedom to speak your opinion in public or in private without punishment.
Freedom of Speech
What are the two parts of the Second Amendment?
The Right to:
1. Well-regulated Militia
2. Bear Arms
What is the Fourth Amendment?
Protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures.
The 9th amendment states that any civil liberty that does not get addressed in the Bill of Rights goes directly to the ____
The people
The Establishment Clause is a part of this freedom.
Freedom of Religion.
Bonus: Can you address what the Establishment Clause means?
True or False: The Federal Government can place soldiers in your homes during peace times.
False: They cannot do that.
This warrantless search happens right in front of you.
Plain View
The 6th Amendment guarantees a person a ____ and ___ trial.
A Fair and Speedy Trial
10th amendment recognizes the powers of the federal government needs to be _____
The right to gather into a group peacefully.
Freedom of Assembly.
What historical event could have led to questions on the 2nd Amendment?
Various Answers
1. Boston Massacre
2. Kennedy Assassinations
3. Parkland
What are two things a police officer needs to search a location?
1. Warrant
2. Probable Cause
A court can provide you this if you cannot afford one.
A lawyer
The Right to Privacy, The Right to get a job, would be in the 9th or 10th Amendment?
9th Amendment
The right to criticize the government through newspapers, magazines, and podcasts.
The Freedom of Press.
What is a controversy that is within the 2nd Amendment?
Various Answers
A police can pat you down or perform a 'stop-and-frisk' without a what?
A Warrant (Only needs reasonable suspicion)
The 8th amendment protects you from these two things.
1. Excessive Bail
2. Cruel and Unusual Punishments
Powers that are reserved for the States.
Reserved Powers.
The right to create a formal request to ask the government to act on an issue.
Freedom of Petition.
What is the 3rd Amendment?
The federal government cannot place soldiers in your homes without your permission during peace times.
Do Airports and border control need a warrant to search your items?
What are the five protections in the 5th amendment?
1. Indictment
2. Self-Incrimination
3. Double Jeopardy
4. Eminent Domain
5. Due Process
Powers that are directly associated with the federal government
Expressed, Enumerated or Delegated Powers