Ancient China
Modern China
Famous People
Geography of China

What was the transfer of power from one dynasty to another, or emperor to another in Ancient China known as?

What is the Dynastic Cycle


Students protested in this famous location outside the Forbidden city in 1989 to gain more political rights and freedoms.

What is Tienanmen Square


This famous Chinese philosopher and teacher believed that people should respect their elders and honor their families.

Who is Confucius 


Economy in which the central government makes all basic economic decisions

What is a Command Economy


Geographically what are two major landforms of China that Isolated them from the rest of the world?

Deserts and Mountains made the land hard to travel or traverse across (Specifically the Gobi and the Himalayas) 


According to the Mandate of Heaven in China who gave permission to rule and how did the ruler get to keep power?

Heaven gave permission for a ruler to rule as long as they were kind and fair and it could be taken away if they weren't.


Mao Zedong was the first leader of this political party in China's modern history

What is the Communist Party


This famous Mongolian leader created the Great Yasa as a code of laws with strict punishments for his Mongolian Horsemen.  

Who is Genghis Khan.


Political system in which the government owns all property and makes all economic decisions

What is Communism


Buddhism is the main religion followed in China today, however from which country did it originate?

What is India


This 13,000 mile long object was built to keep Northern Mongolian invaders out of China.

What is the Great Wall of China.


This was a plan created by Mao Zedong to purge China of any opposition to the Communist Party and people who didn't agree with him.

What is the Cultural Revolution.


This Mongolian Ruler conquered China and established the Yuan Dynasty completing his Grandfather's wish to rule over China.

Who is Kublai Khan

A series of rulers from the same family in China

What is a Chinese Dynasty


Urbanization is a prime development in China right now leading to pollution and overcrowdedness.  People are moving to the Cities for this opportunity.

What are more Jobs and better pay.


Mongols were able to conquer their enemies using advanced military tactics such as these.

What is Archery and Horseback Riding.


China has a strict policy of Censorship in education, freedom of speech and press, and their internet.  How does this policy of Censorship compare to the United States?  

United States vs China answers may vary.

1.  US has freedom of speech and press to talk about their government and cannot be arrested for doing it.

2.  China does not have those freedoms and could be arrested, put on labor camps, or worse.


This famous Italian explorer from Europe traveled much of the Mongol empire on the Silk Road and lived in China for 17 years before returning back to Europe to write his story in a book. 

Who is Marco Polo


To ban dangerous or offensive ideas, or remove material from published works or prevent its publication

What is Censorship


Most parents move to the big cities in China to get jobs with better pay to support this need of their children.

What is Education


China built this large structure to connect Northern China and Southern China in 468 BCE. 

What is the Grand Canal


China had a One Child Policy until 2016 when they changed it to the Two Child Policy.  Why did have the policy originally and why this they change it?

Part One:  They had the policy originally to combat overcrowding, pollution, and crime rates in the major cities.

Part Two:  They changed it because the older population was growing to fast and the younger population could not support them due to the 4-2-1 effect.


This famous Islamic Chinese explorer traveled as far as the southern tip of Africa during the golden age of exploration in Chinese history.

Who is Zheng He

a national foreign policy of detachment from other nations

What is Isolationism


Explain how the Silk Road is an example of the geographical theme MOVEMENT.

Answers may vary.

1.  Disease spreading on the Silk Road like Black Plague from Asia to Europe

2.  Opium being traded from Britain to China

3.  People moving from place to place

4.  Goods like Silk, Gunpowder, Porcelain, or Paper being traded from China to Europe