Citizen Responsibilities
Parties & the Media
Becoming a Citizen
Voting Trends
Civic Participation

If summoned, you must serve on this (and you can be randomly selected at any time)

What is a jury?


This type of mass media is the oldest form of a mass communication used in politics

What is the newspaper?


An individual with certain rights and duties under a government and, in turn, owes allegiance to that government is known as this

What is a citizen?


This political party would be in favor of military expansion

What is the Republican party?

A citizen can make their community a better place by doing this (Hint: GBO)

What is volunteering?


Every 4 years, citizens vote for this federal position in November

What is the President?


The US electoral system is known for having this many political parties

What is 2 parties?

If someone is born to a U.S. citizen, but not born IN the U.S., they would be automatically granted U.S. citizenship through this law

What is the Law of Blood?


This political party is generally in favor of lower taxes

What is the Republican Party?


This type of voting takes place to help cut down on "voting fatigue"

What is early voting?


Daily Double: These 5 ideas are viewed as "voluntary" responsibilities as a citizen of the U.S.

  • Voting

  • Staying Informed

  • Community Involvement

  • Practicing Tolerance

  • Passing it On


Any political party that challenges the two major parties in the U.S. is known as this

What is Third Party?


This protected individual rights by defining citizenship

What is the 14th Amendment?


Public goods and services (like roads, schools, hospitals, and parks) are provided by the government using money from these

What are taxes?


This type of voting is intended to help people who are physically unable to make it to the polls

What is absentee voting?

Voting day falls on this day every 4 years

What is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November?


This form of mass media allowed Presidents, for the first time, to have their voice heard by the American people all over the country

What is the radio?


These 3 groups of individuals would need to pass a citizenship test

What are Immigrants, Aliens, and lawful permanent residents?


Geographically speaking, Democrats can typically be found in these areas

What is urban areas?


This process allows the citizens to remove someone from political office

What is a Recall?


Daily Double: These are the 4 mandatory responsibilities of any U.S. citizen

  • Obeying the Law

  • Paying Taxes

  • Serving on a jury (when summoned)

  • Registering w/ Selective Service ("the draft")


Daily Double: The Constitution had this to say about political parties

What is NOTHING!!!


If an individual is not born in the U.S. and does not have a parent who is a U.S. citizen, completing this process is the only way they can become a citizen

What is Naturalization?


According to the Greeks, individuals who refused to vote or participate in public life were known as this

What are idiots?


The people of the U.S. have the right to petition for a popular vote through this electoral device

What is an initiative?