Word Form and standard form
Comparing and Ordering Decimals
Powers of 10
Add and subtract decimals
multiply and divide decimals

five and three tenths in standard form

What is 5.3


Compare using <, > or = 

0.700 ____ 0.013

What is >? (What is greater than?) 



What is 10x10x10? 


What is 1,000



What is 21.127?

***Remember to line up your place value spaces and your decimals. Add zeros where you do not have a digit.


When I multiply a decimal by ten or power of ten, the decimal moves to the???

What is right?

***Remember, the decimal moves to the right when you multiply because the number gets LARGER! 


five and twenty-three thousandths in standard form 

What is 5.023? 


Compare using <, > or =.

0.108 ____0.081

What is >? (What is greater than?)



What is 10x10x10x10?


What is 10,000?


62 - 2.83

What is 59.17? 

***Remember to line up your place value spaces and your decimals. Add zeros where you do not have a digit.


When I divide a decimal by ten or power of ten, the decimal moves to the ??

What is left?

***Remember, the decimal moves to the left when you divide a decimal by ten or power of ten because the number gets SMALLER! 


seventy-five and six hundredths in standard form 

What is 75.06? 


Compare using <, > or =

0.30 ____ 0.3

What is =? (What is equal to?)


Look at the pattern below. What number completes the pattern?

1.234 x 10 = 12.34

1.234 x 100 = _____

1.234 x 1,000 = 1,234

What is 123.4?

***Remember the number of zeros tells you how many places to move the decimal. 

If you multiply then the decimal moves to the right (the number gets bigger). 

If you divide the decimal moves to the left (the number gets smaller).


Ted runs a mile in 4.59 minutes. The world record in running a mile is 3.87 minutes. What is the difference between the world record and Ted's speed? 

What is 0.72 minutes? 


32.123 x 103

What is 32, 123? 

***Move the decimal 3 places to the right. The exponent tells you to move the decimal 3 places and the multiplication sign tells you to move the decimal to the right. 


79.001 in word form

What is seventy-nine and one thousandths? 


Put in order from least to greatest. 

1.234, 0.081, 5.12, 0.001

What is 0.001, 0.081, 1.234, 5.12?


Look at the pattern below. What number completes the pattern?

1.2541 x 10 = 12.541

1.2541 x 100 = _____

1.2541 x 1,000 = 1254.1

What is 125.41?

***Remember the number of zeros tells you how many places to move the decimal. 

If you multiply then the decimal moves to the right (the number gets bigger). 

If you divide the decimal moves to the left (the number gets smaller).

the sum of thirty-two and one hundredths  AND thirteen and fifteen hundredths

What is 45.16?

**Sum tells you to add

Then, put the words into standard form, then line it up and add it. 


813.145 / 10

/ means to divide

What is 81.3145?

***Remember when you divide the decimal slides to the left. The number of zeros OR the exponent tells you how many times to slide the decimal. 


fifty-two and three hundredths in word form

What is 52.03? 


Put in order from greatest to least. 

0.612, 0.456, 0.897, 0.009

What is 0.897, 0.612, 0.456, 0.009? 


Compare the two numbers below:

13,245    and     16,379

How much bigger is the 3 in the first number, then the 3 in the second number?

What is 10 times bigger?

***Remember to solve this, you can find the value:

3 in 1,000's place = 3,000 3 in 100's place = 300 3,000 divided by 300 = 10.


One place is ten times more than the previous, so it is ten times bigger. 


Stacey drove seventeen and five tenths of a mile on Monday. She then drove twenty-five and eight tenths of a mile on Tuesday. How many miles did she drive on Monday and Tuesday? 

What is 43.3 miles?

First, put into standard form. Next, find your key words that tell you to add. Last, line up the place value and decimal and add. 


12,356 x 104


***Remember when you multiply the decimal moves to the right. The exponent or number of zeros tell you how many times to move the decimal. In this example, I move the decimal 4 places to the right (or just add 4 zeros).