The Worldwide Flood
Noah's Ark
The Ice Age
Confusion: The Tower of Babel

Noah needed to build a huge ark and take pairs of animals with him. What does that tell us about the flood?

It was going to cover the whole earth. It was not local.


What is pitch?

It was something Noah put on the wood of the ark to make it water proof: probably bitumen, a tar-like petroleum by-product.


Why do so many cultures around the world have stories similar to what the Bible teaches about the tower of Babel?

The people took the truth with them when they scattered, and over the years it changed and became a legend.


When did the ice age happen?

After the flood, about 4,000 years ago.


Where did the people settle after the flood?

A plain in the land of Shinar.


How high did the water rise on the earth during the flood in Genesis 7? What was covered?

The high mountains (vv. 19–20).


How do we know dinosaurs were on the ark?

God sent EVERY kind of land animal to board the ark.


How do the dimensions of the ark — given in the Bible — help make the flood account believable?

The dimensions line up with typical modern-day cargo ships that are designed to be extremely stable and seaworthy.


What happened to the earth when the fountains of the great deep burst forth at the beginning of the flood that caused the oceans to heat up?

The crust of the earth cracked open and magma (hot melted rock) and hot subterranean water under tremendous pressure were released.


How long after the flood did God confuse the language?

About 120 years after the flood of Noah’s day; 4,200 years ago.


When was the flood of Noah’s day according to the Bible?

About 4,400 years ago (or about 2350 B.C.)


How long was the ark and how many decks and doors did the ark have?

300 cubits long (approximately 510 feet).  Three decks and one door.


As a part of God's curse, what would happen to Adam when he died?

He would return to the dust.


After the flood, the earth kept shifting because of the cracks, producing ___________ which released ___________ into the atmosphere.

Supervolcanoes.  Thick ash.


Why did the people want to build a city and a tower?

The people wanted to make a name for themselves and to not be scattered over the earth.


From where did all the fossils that we find buried in the rock layers all over the earth come?

Those are the billions of dead things buried under sediments following the Flood.


What word or term tells us that God did not bring two of every single species of animals to the ark?

[according to its] kind


Compare how the Bible views death with how those who believe the earth evolved over millions of years view death.

Biblical worldview: no death until after sin since death is an enemy in God’s creation.
Evolution worldview: Death and struggle and disease always present - death is necessary for life to develop.


When the land is cold, and the oceans are warm, what happens?

A lot of water evaporates, and then because the air is cold, it starts to snow.


What was sinful about the people building the city and tower?

The people were disobeying God who had said to fill the earth. They wanted to show how great they were (pride) instead of obeying God.


Explain why the covenant God made with Noah shows that the flood couldn’t have been a local flood.

Because there have been many local floods since then. That would mean God was a liar, and God cannot lie.


Why did Noah need to bring more representatives of the clean animals on the ark?

The clean animals were needed for sacrifices and could have been used for food by Noah and his family because after the flood, God gave them permission to eat meat (Genesis 9:3).


What kind of literature is the flood account, and how can you tell?

It is a historical account , written with precise detail like someone writing about a real event, conveying historical information with accuracy.


After the Flood, God promised to uphold 4 kinds of cycles in nature for as long as the earth exists.  Name two of these cycles He noted.

Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night (Genesis 8:22)


What buildings do we find around the world that are likely similar to the ancient tower at Babel?
