Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention
The Constitution
George Washington
Early Presidents

Passed during the Revolutionary War, this was the first governing document of the United States.

What is the Articles of Confederation?


At the convention, this group wanted a STRONG central government.

Who are the Federalists?


The father of the Constitution. He was responsible for writing most of the document, alongside writing the Bill of Rights

Who is James Madison?


While Great Britain and revolutionary France were at war, George Washington issued this in order to stay out of the war.

What is the Proclamation of Neutrality?


This real estate deal doubled the size of the United States during the administration of Thomas Jefferson

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


Because the Articles of Confederation did not have this, each state had their own forms of money.

What is a common currency?


At the convention, this group wanted a WEAK central government and strong states.

Who are the Anti-Federalists?


The lower house of Congress. Each state receives a certain amount of votes based on their population size.

What is the House of Representatives?


George Washington was the first president to have one of these. It is another name for the president's group of closest advisors and experts.

What is a cabinet?


This war was ended status quo antebellum after the burning of the White House and the Battle of New Orleans during the presidency of James Madison

What is the War of 1812?


The Articles of Confederation did not give the government this power. Instead, the government relied on donations from each state.

What is the power to tax?


This constitutional compromise created a bicameral legislature. One house would have equal representation, while the other would have representation based on population size.

What is the Great Compromise?


The upper house of Congress. Each state receives an equal amount of votes - 2 each

What is the Senate?

In his farewell address, George Washington warned against these two things, which he believed would endanger and divide the new nation.

What are political parties and foreign wars?


President John Adams issued these laws to limit immigration and limit criticism of the government

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?


The government of the Articles of Confederation were weak and unable to stop these rebels from freeing debtors in Massachusetts.

What is Shays Rebellion?


The Anti-Federalists would not agree to ratify the Constitution unless this document which guarantees the rights of the people was added on to it.

What is the Bill of Rights?


The system created to prevent any one of the three branches of government from becoming too powerful. Impeachment or veto are examples

What are checks and balances?


George Washington was able to prove that the Constitution was stronger than the Articles of Confederation from his response to this event.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


This was the first peaceful transfer of power between two different political parties - also the election of Thomas Jefferson

What was the Revolution of 1800?


This person called for a convention to fix the Articles of Confederation after Shays Rebellion.

Who is George Washington?


This plan was supported by large states with a high population. It proposed a bicameral legislature and proportional representation based on population.

What is the Virginia Plan?


The system that established 3 equal branches of government with their own individual duties and abilities

What is separation of powers?


Washington's Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, created this to help take on debt and to develop a national currency.

What is the First Bank of the United States? or what is a national bank?


President James Monroe issued this to say that European countries could no longer create new colonies on the American continent

What is the Monroe Doctrine?