Falling Objects
Grab Bag
What is the equation of force and what is the unit called.
What is F = m *a and Newtons
The type of friction that occurs when you push on an object and it doesn't move.
What is static friction.
The horizontal acceleration due to gravity.
What is 9.81 m/s^2
When is an objects momentum equal to 0 kg*m/s
What is when it is at rest?
How many battleship games are there in this room.
What is 4.
What is the only major force that acts on a projectile
What is gravity
What direction does friction push a motorcycle that traveling east
What is west.
If I drop a ball off a cliff, how fast will it be traveling after two seconds.
What is 20 m/s.
What is the conservation of momentum?
What is momentum is neither created or destroyed. If a group of objects exerts forces only on each other, their total momentum does not change.
What is the atomic number of carbon?
What is 6
How is force related to weight and how is it different?
What is force is measured in newtons and force is measured in newtons. Weight equals mass times the acceleration to gravity. Force equals mass times any acceleration.
Why is it harder to start a car rolling than it is to keep it rolling?
What is static friction is stronger than rolling friction.
Why do objects look like they are floating in space? Remember at 400 km above the surface, gravity is still 90% of what it is at the surface of the earth.
What is that the objects are in free fall, moving around the earth.
An elephant and an ant have the same momentum. Which animal is traveling faster.
What is the ant?
What is a person's average reaction time in our lab?
What is around 1/10 to 2/10 of a second.
As force increases what happens to the acceleration of an object.
What is increase.
A micro-weld does what?
What is the small imperfections on a surface that cause friction.
In the reaction time lab we tried to catch a meter stick as soon as we saw it fall. How did we determine the reaction time. Ie. What data did we collect to figure this out.
What is distance and acceleration due to gravity.
A plane is taking off from the airport. What is giving it momentum?
What is the engine?
What is newton's 3rd law?
What is for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
How fast does a 0.5 kg football have to accelerate in order to create a force of 10 newtons?
What is 20 m/s^2
If I push a 2.0 kg book across a table with a force of 10 N and with a rate of acceleration at 1.0 m/s^2 what is the force of friction?
What is 8 Newtons
What are the three main factors that affect wind resistance?
What is speed, shape, and size.
A 50 kg clown is shot out of a cannon at 20 m/s. What is the recoil speed of the cannon if it has a mass of 250 kg?
What is 4 m/s?
If two variables are inversely related then one variable will be large and the other variable will be?
What is small.