Big Business
CoI or RB
Big Business
Progressive Reforms

Henry Ford Was a leader in this industry

What is Transportation


After his retirement, Andrew Carnegie donated most of his money (over $350 million) to establish libraries, schools, and universities, as well as a pension fund for former employees



What is a Captain of Industry


Someone who increases the avaliability of goods by building factories would be considered a

What is a Captain of Industry


This photographer brought light to the issue of Child Labor

Who is Jacob Riis


These groups played a vital role in improving working conditions, limiting the number of hours worked and increasing pay

What is a labor union


John D Rockefeller controlled 90% of business in this industry

What is Oil



John D. Rockefeller often resorted to using spies and extortion to influence railroads to work in his favor by offering him kickbacks and rebates that were denied to his competitors


What is a Robber Baron


Someone who corrupts public officials to interpret laws in their favor

What is a Robber Baron


This journalist wrote about political corruption particularly as it related to Tammany Hall

Who is Lincoln Steffans


This fire killed over a hundred women and ultimately led to reforms in factories

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire


Andrew Carnegie was considered to be the leader in this industry

What is Steel



Between 1860 and 1890, the U.S. Patent Office issued over 400,000 patents. The technological innovation and applied science promoted by entrepreneurs brought about many inventions still in use today


What is a Captain of Industry


The idea that only the strong survive and survival of the fittest

What is Social Darwinism


This photographer highlighted the dirty and horrid living conditions people faced in the slums and tenemants in New York City

Who is Lewis Hine


This law was passed to prevent monopolies from forming and controlling industries

What is the Sherman Anti Trust Act


The leader of the Transportation Industry (Particularily railroads) during the Gilded Age

Who is 

Cornelius Vanderbilt



The steamboat and railroad tycoon, Cornelius Vanderbilt continuously cut shipping rates to the point that other steamboat and railroad companies could not compete and were forced out of business


What is a Robber Baron


And economic industry in which businesses are privately owned and production, prices, and distribution of goods are determined by a free market

What is Capitalism


This Muckraker wrote about the lynching of hundreds of black Americans in the Southern United States

Who is Ida B Wells

Women began to fight for the right to vote also known as

What is suffrage


A Banker who financed railroads, steel, General Electric and other major corporations

Who is J.P. Morgan



By 1890, the richest nine percent of Americans held 75 percent of the nation’s wealth. The average yearly income for a worker was $380. Andrew Carnegie had a yearly income of $25 million by 1900


What is a Robber Baron


A situation in which one company controlls the market

What is a monopoly

This muckraker wrote about the conditions in mental health institutions and brought light to the way in which patients were being treated in these asylums

Who is Nellie Bly


This movement focused on limiting and abolishing the sale of alcohol

What is the Temperance Movement