Identify a difference in health status between males and females (using a comparison statement)
Males have (lower life expectancy/higher mortality rates/higher BOD/higher rates of...) compared to females.
Smoking causes faults in cells as they divide increasing the risk of many types of cancer such as lung cancer therefore increasing incidence of lung cancer.
Which model of health focused mainly on the physical environment and grew out of understanding infectious diseases.
Old public health
What Ottawa Charter action area am I? I involve many different groups within the community to engage as many community members as possible in working towards a common goal,
Strengthen community action
What dimension of health and wellbeing does self-esteem fall under?
Identify an environmental factor that contributes to the difference in health status between males and females
Exposure to dangerous workplaces including: building sites, farms, mines, roads, outdoor areas (UV exposure)
Explain how smoking increases risk of cardiovascular disease.
Which model of health runs throughout the old and the new public health
Biomedical model
The Ottawa charter identifies three basic strategies for health promotion. What are these 3 strategies?
Must be written as health and wellbeing (H&WB) in each question and then able to use H&WB after that until a new question.
Maternal tobacco, alcohol and drug use, and maternal nutrition and exposure to certain chemicals, bacteria and viruses during pregnancy - might impact birth weight causing weak immune system and higher rates of U5M, infant mortality, and increase rates of CVD and type 2 diabetes when older.
Other than alcohol being energy dense, how does increased consumption of alcohol contribute to BOD
Alcohol is filtered through the liver and over time can contribute to liver disease which increases YLD due to liver disease, therefore contributing to overall burden of disease
Strength - promotes good health and wellbeing and assists in preventing diseases. Can be cost-effective. Focuses on vulnerable population groups and the broader determinants of health. Focuses on education which can be sustainable for generations.
Limitations - not every condition can be prevented. Does not promote the development of technology and medical knowledge. Health promotion messages can be ignored.
Bad cats smell dad rats. What action areas make up the Ottawa charter.
- Build healthy public policy
- Create supportive environment
- Strengthen community action
- Develop personal skills
- Re orient health services
When a question refers to climate change, what three things must you link to at least once?
- Rising sea levels
- Changing weather patterns
- Extreme weather conditions
Identify and describe an sociocultural factor that contributes to a difference in health status between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Sociocultural factor - low SES, higher rates of employment, social exclusion, higher rates of food insecurity, early life experiences and lack of access to health care.
Indigenous Australians have (lower life expectancy/higher mortality rates/higher BOD/higher rates of...) compared to non-Indigenous Australians.
What is a high BMI and how does it contribute to YLD due to arthritis in Australia.
High BMI is 25 or more and is a body mass to height ratio. Having a high BMI places extra strain on joints, increasing risk of arthritis therefore increasing YLD due to arthritis.
The social model of health has 5 principles, identify 3 of them
- Addresses the broader determinants of health
- Involves intersectoral collaboration
- Acts to enable access to health care
- Empower individuals and communities
- Acts to reduce social inequalities
- Asked the doctors in the local community to take on an educator role and focus on anti-smoking programs.
- Banned smoking in public places
What Ottawa charter action areas have I taken?
- Develop personal skills
- Re orient health services
- Build health public policy
What are the golden rules associated with linking to Burden of Disease
- Finish with 'therefore contributing to overall burden of disease'
A biological factor is 'blood cholesterol levels - explain how this factor could link to a difference in health status between those living outside of Australia's major cities compared to those living in Australia's major cities.
Those living outside of Australia's major cities are more likely to have higher blood cholesterol compared to those living in Australia's major cities.
Cholesterol is a type of fat required for human functioning, too much of one type of cholesterol 'low density lipoprotein' can lead to atherosclerosis. This can lead to interrupted blood flow which can increase risk of heart attack therefore lowering life expectancy of those living outside of Australia's major cities compared to in Australia's major cities.
Under-consuming vegetables can contribute to variations in health status.
Discuss two ways in which this may occur.
Remember no double dipping
Vegetables are high in nutrients such as Vit C that promote immune system function and reduce risk of conditions such as....(disease)
Vegetables are high in fibre and low in energy which decreases the risk of high to disease
Vegetables contain antioxidants which decrease the impact of free radicals. This decreases the risk of cancer and CVD
- Addresses broader determinants - focus on the homeless or those from non-English speaking backgrounds
- Intersectoral collab - schools, sporting clubs and local gov can work together to promote message
- Access to health care - develop an online resource that provides medical assistance to those with alcohol problems
- Empower - teach target groups the value of help seeking for mental problems
- Reduce social inequalities - implement programs targeted at alcohol uses in Indigenous, low SES and those living outside of Australia's major cities.
Using all the action areas of the Ottawa charter, how could you address childhood obesity in Australia.
- Build healthy public policy - sugar tax
- Create supportive environment - breakfast club at school
- Strengthen community action - develop whole school approach to healthy eating
- Develop personal skills - education programs and cooking skills for parents
- Re orient health services - doctor taking on educational role with nutrition and healthy eating plans
I have two dogs, what is both of their:
- Colour
- Name
- Breed
- Hugo, brown, pugalier
- Razzy, black, pugalier