Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Which word means to check? 

a give

b notice

c monitor

d hide 

c mointor


Rewrite the following sentence using the past perfect tense: 

We arrived at the restaurant. They finished dinner already. 

"By the time we arrived at the restaurant, they had already finished dinner."


Why do people commit identity theft? 

They want to use your personal information to steal money. 


What is a pie chart and how can we use it? 

A pie chart is a circular chart that shoes the percentages of a survey. 


What is the structure of a paragraph? 

Topic Statement

Support Sentences

Closing Statement 


Who steals thing? 

a a security guard

b a victim 

c a thief

d a police officer 

a thief


Provide an example sentence using the past perfect tense to describe an action that occurred before another past action. Explain why the past perfect tense is used in this context.

Use something that happened at ILC. 

Many correct answers...

By the time I finished my project, my teacher had already planned a new one. 


Why do we use trusted website like amazon to buy our goods instead of contacting private people? 

1. Amazon and other websites protect their customers. 

2. Amazon and other website make it easier to exchange or return items. 

3. You can shop without individuals getting any personal information.


What is scareware? 

Scareware is when people see messages like "YOU'VE BEEN HACKED DOWNLOAD THIS ANTI-VIRUS" so people are frightened enough to download bad links. 


How do we use the reported speech in a paragraph?

We use it when we want to add someone else's words. We use it as evidence from someone else. 


What is the definition of "take over"?

assuming control or responsibility for something


Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: 

Direct speech: "She said, 'I will finish the project by tomorrow.'"

"She said that she would finish the project by the next day." 

In the Google Digital Literacy lesson, he noticed suspicious signs that the transaction never occurred, what were they? 

The logo was fuzzy and the colors didn't match. His app never notified him of the transaction. The email wasn't the one previously used by the website. 


How can you collaborate on a Google Doc? 

You can share with the person's email and make them a editor. 


Who is Timothy Carpenter? 

He is a criminal who robbed Radio Shacks and he went to the court because the police caught him using his cell phone data. 


What is a cloud, as used for the internet?

The cloud is where you can store pictures, videos and files. 


Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: Direct speech: The doctor said to me, "Stop smoking!". 

The doctor told me to stop smoking.


What is an example of a secure password? 

A secure password is something you cannot guess easily. It uses upper and lower case, symbols and numbers. 


What is shoulder surfing and how is it being used in schools? 

Shoulder surfing is having a teacher or officer watch the student use social media over their shoulder. It can be used to look for social media messages or accounts that are private. 


Do you think that the high schools should have access to social media? Give three good reasons why or why not.

Yes 1 - to protect students from crimes 2 to monitor students for inappropriate materials 3 to help students stay focused on their education 

No 1 - to give students privacy 2 - it's not the school's jobs 3 - schools can protect students without social media access  


What is the difference between the words "reduce" and "eliminate"? 

Reduce just means to decrease or make smaller. Eliminate makes to completely erase or make "0". 


Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech: Direct speech: "He said, 'I saw them leave.'"

He said that he had seen them leave. 


What age group is most likely to be a victims of cybercrime and why? 

People over 60+ / elderly are the most likely victims of cybercrimes because they are not always aware of the dangers and risks of the internet. 


What is the Fourth Amendment? 

A law that protects people from unreasonable searches


What did the House pass on March 13th? 

A ban on TikTok if the company does not sell outside of China.