"People" by Barbara Streisand
All The World's A Stage
A History of Wrong Guys
(Designing) The Room Where it Happens
Anything Goes!
One of the most influential playwrights in history, known for his poetic language and tragic stories, such as Romeo and Juliet.

Who is William Shakespeare?


A stage where the audience is seated on three sides.

What is a thrust?


This is the oldest era of theatre, and used performance exclusively for ritual dramas that honored the gods.

What is Ancient Egyptian Theatre?


An object used by an actor on stage.

What is a Prop?


A person who works side by side with the director and artistic team to ensure that rehearsals and performances run smoothly.

What is a Stage Manager?


This famous playwright was the first person to step out of the Greek Chorus, making them our first actor. 

Who is Thespis?


A stage that is outside, relies on natural light and scenery, and usually does not have a roof.

What is Open Air?


During the Greek Era, these were worn by actors to represent different characters and help their expressions be visible to the audience.

What is a Mask?


Used to illuminate actors on stage, as well as create mood, setting, and visual interest on stage.

What is Lighting Design?


In Shakespearean times, these audience members would stand at the bottom of the stage in an uncovered area and had a reputation for being loud and throwing things at the actors.

Who were The Groundlings?


Greek theatre originated as a competition held at festivals dedicated to this Greek god.

Who is Dionysus?

This traveling stage was used during the Medieval time, and could move from town to town to capture a larger audience.

What is a Pageant Wagon?


This form of Japanese Theatre combines puppeteers, chanting, and music created from string instruments and the traditional taiko drum.

What is Bunraku?


Designing the space where the action takes place.

What is Scenic Design?


This type of stage is often found in colleges or schools, and is normally used as rehearsal, showcase, or educational spaces.

What is a Black Box Theatre?


This person is responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of theatre.

Who is the Producer?


An arch framing the opening between the stage and the auditorium of a theater.

What is the Proscenium Arch?


The era was known as one of "rebirth", and saw the introduction of permanent theatrical structures, and a new focus on set, lighting, and costume design.

What is the Renaissance Era?


Someone who choreographs scenes that include fighting, stunts, or physical altercations.

What is a Fight Choreographer?


This is a person who writes the script and spoken words of a musical.

What is a Book Writer?


This famous playwright is considered the "Father of Realism" and his plays were considered scandalous for the time period.

Who is Henrik Ibsen?


This theatre was the home of Shakespeare and The Lord Chamberlain's Men, and it burned down twice during the Renaissance Era.

What is The Globe Theatre?

This genre of play (which only has one remaining text) was created during the Greek Era, and was known for being a crude comedy that would lighten the mood after a tragedy.

What is a Satyr play?


A group of instrumentalists who provide a play or musical with live music.

What is an Orchestra?


The Disney animated classic, The Lion King, is loosely based on this Shakespearean tragedy.

What is Hamlet?