Fill in the blank
All about the Bible
True or False (+reasoning)
Mixed bag
Define profitable 

Useful to someone or something


2 Peter 3:2

That you should remember the predictions of the holy ____ and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your ___. 

prophets, apostles


How many books are in the old and new testament?

Old - 39 books 

New - 27 books


The Bible is trustworthy (This is True/False) because ...


the Bible is trustworthy because it contains the true Word of God. Because of this we can know that God's word contains powerful truth. 

Who told the men who wrote the Bible what to write? 

The Holy Spirit (God)

Define revelation

The act of making something known


Psalm 12:6

The words of the Lord are ___ words, like ___ refined in a furnace on the ground purified ___ times. 

pure, silver, seven


Three words that also mean God's holy book. 

Scripture, God's word, Holy Bible 


We have to serve people and do good deeds to earn salvation


God gives us the gift of salvation free of charge. We simply need to believe in God. 


What does it mean to recognize that God is truth? 

This means that we can turn to God in any difficult situation or hardship that we may face. Because of this trust, we can find confort in God. 


Define Apostle 

a man who was sent by Jesus to spread the gospel and lead the church


John 14:26

But the Helper, the _____, whom the Father will send in my name, he will ___ you all things and bring you to your _______ all that I have said to you. 

Holy Spirit, teach, remembrance

How can we be encouraged to read the Bible more often? 

Daily devotions, having a specific part of the day to give to God (praying before meals, before going to sleep).


Not all books in the Bible relate to one another


All of the books of the Bible agree with one another. Every part of scripture work to tell the amazing story of what God has done for us. 


With the help of ___, we are able to understand God's Scripture and know his plan for us. With this, we will be inspired to know more about God's word and its truths.

Holy Spirit


Define prophet

a man who heard, understood, and shared a message from God. They share God's word with others.


Romans 1:20

For his invisible ____, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the ___, in the things that have been made. So they are without ___. 

world, attributes, excuse


BONUS!!! You can wager your points. 

the Bible was written by __ many writers?


(T/F) The Bible is only for Christians. 

God gave us his words so that we can know who He is, and so that we can have a relationship with him, wether we are a Christian or not.


What does it mean that 'the Bible is the Standard'?

This means that the Bible is something that we should trust and be inspired by. We can trust in God's word because it was written by many scholars and prophets through the Holy Spirit.

Define attribute

a quality, characteristic or feature of someone or something 


BONUS!!! You can choose to wager your points. 

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for ____, for reproof for ____, and for training in ____. 

That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good ___. 

teaching, correction, righteousness, work


By looking at this image, how does God show us his power? 

We can understand that God is the ultimate creator of everything in the universe. He created everything we can see. This reminds us that there is much beauty in the power of God, our creator. 


the Bible contains all the answers we need to life


By reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit teaches us how to make the right decisions in life. We should always turn to God for answers to our questions, rather than the world.  


What is the difference between Myth and Majesty?

Myth and Majesty are opposites. Myth is a false belief or idea, while majesty means greatness and the splendor of God.