Cells that contain only one complete set of chromosomes. In humans, these cells have 23 chromosomes and include gametes.
What are Haploid Cells?
During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate?
What is anaphase?
Through this process, the body creates reproductive cells.
What is Meiosis?
What are the 3 stages of interphase?
What are G1, S, and G2?
The __________ ____________ begins to disintegrate in prophase I of meiosis and prophase of mitosis.
What is the nuclear envelope?
Cells that contain two complete sets of chromosomes (one set inherited from each parent.) In humans, these cells have 46 chromosomes and include most body (somatic) cells.
What are Diploid Cells?
The two main purposes of mitosis are: ______ and _________
What is growth and repair?
What type of cells are produced through the process of meiosis?
What are gametes (reproductive cells?)
DNA replication (synthesis) occurs during the ____ phase.
What is the S phase?
___________ is the structure responsible for separating sister chromatids during anaphase.
what are spindles?
A structure composed of supercoiled DNA and proteins found in the nucleus; carries genetic information in the form of genes
What is a chromosome?
What are the 4 phases of Mitosis?
What are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase?
How many cells are produced at the end of meiosis?
In this phase, the cell grows to its full size.
What is the G1 phase?
________ is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and the ability of these abnormal cells to invade other tissues.
What is cancer?
A structure composed of microtubules that forms during cell division, responsible for moving chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell
What is a spindle?
In what type of cell does mitosis occur?
What are somatic (body) cells?
What TYPES of cells are the gametes that are produced through meiosis (hint: it has to do with how many chromosomes there are)
what is haploid?
In this phase, the cell replicates its chromosomes
S phase
In which stage of mitosis do chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
What is metaphase?
process where homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material during prophase I of meiosis
what is crossing over or recombination?
The division of a cell into two genetically identical daughter cells at the end of mitosis is known as what?
What is cytokinesis?
The end result of meiosis is 4 genetically identical diploid cells. (T/F)
False: The end result of meiosis is 4 genetically different haploid cells.
What is the first and longest phase of the cell cycle?
What is Interphase?
Recombination occurs in what stage of meiosis?