Doppler Effect
Wave Manipulation
Periodic Table
Atomic Theory
Science Stuff

The Doppler Effect occurs when there is relative motion between the....

Source of the wave and the Observer. 


When looking in the mirror you see a 



The periodic table is organized in order of atomic numbers which based on....

how many Protons that are in an atom. 


Describe the location and charge of each subatomic Particle

Protons (+) in nucleus

Neutrons(0) in nucleus

Electrons (-) electron cloud


What is science 

the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world.


When the source of a wave is approaching the observer, what happens to the wavelength?

The wavelength is compressed (smooshed)

aka: gets smaller


When two waves come together to form a wave with the same wavelength and frequency but a larger Amplitude

Constructive Interference

This is how you determine the amount of Neutrons in an Atom 

Atomic Mass Number - Atomic Number


99.9999999% of the mass in an atom is...

Located in the Nucleus electrons don't count towards the total mass, they to small.


How long ago was the birth of the universe according to modern science?

13.7 billion years with an uncertainty of 59 million years. 


A star that is on a collision course with earth is detectable due to                        the of the Light.



A wave traveling through a vacuum suddenly crosses into a new medium, changing the trajectory of the wave due to a change in speed of the wave. 



How many valence electrons does Oxygen have?


Smaller atoms have more stable nuclei, why?
They have less protons repelling each other in the nucleus. Like charges repel. 

What is Dark Matter or Dark Energy 

Ummmm.... well that's the thing innit . We don't know what it is we just know that it exist, based on its interaction with known universe. 

The Doppler effect is responsible for the change in pitch due to the source of a wave in approaching or receding. If you were riding in the back of a truck and the driver got on the horn. Would you hear a sound from the horn with a higher pitch, lower pitch, or same pitch as it sounds when the truck aint in motion?

Same Pitch, there is not relative motion between the truck horn and the person riding in the back of the truck. 


A wave of energy passes through a crack in a wall and spreads out to fill the as much space on the other side of the wall as possible. 



Describe the location of metals on the periodic table. 

Metals are everything to the left of the stair step line created by the Metalloids. With the 1 exception of Hydrogen which is a nonmetal. 


What are valence electrons 

The electrons found in the outermost electron energy level. 


Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

Albert Einstein's Definition of Insanity


some blind people have seeing eye dogs to help them navigate through the world; however, without sight the can still tell if something is approaching or receding. How?

The sound of approaching objects increase in frequency (pitch) as they get closer, The sound of receding objects decrease in frequency (pitch) as they get further away.


You can see the sun rise before the sun is actually above the horizon, and you can see the sun for a little while even after the sun has passed the horizon. 



List all the names of families on the periodic table 

(1)Alkali Metals; (2)=Alkaline Earth Metals; 

(3-12)Transition Metals; (stair-step)Metalloids; (17)Halogens; (18)Noble Gas. 


Define the ATOM 

Smallest piece of matter that still retains the physical and chemical properties of the element. 


Why is Christopher Columbus actually kind of a jerk, that may be responsible for the deaths of ALLOT of South American Natives?

He used his scientific knowledge of the solstices to manipulate the indigenous people of South American into giving him all the food and stuff that he needed to make it back home on the other side of that big pond we call the Atlantic Ocean.