Forces - in general

How are Mass and Weight different?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object, never changes

Weight is the pull of gravity on an object, will change depending on where the object is


Like Poles do what?


Opposite Poles do what?

Like Poles repel

Opposite Poles attract


When comparing the gravitational force between two objects, name two things that impact the gravitational pull

Mass - the more mass, the greater the gravitational pull

Distance - as the distance between objects grow, the gravitational pull decreases 


Potential energy is ______________ energy



Kinetic energy is the energy of _____________



What is the unit of measurement for force?



What can electromagnets do that "regular" magnets cannot?

1. Turn the magnetic field on and off

2. Increase or decrease the strength of the magnetic field

3. Change polarity


What is meant when we say Gravity is an "attractive" force?

Always pulls towards the object, never pushes


What are the different types of Potential Energy?

1. Chemical (food or fuel)

2. Mechanical or Elastic (stretchy things)

3. Gravitational (up high)

Bonus - Nuclear


What are the different types of Kinetic Energy?

1. Mechanical (energy due to things moving)

2. Electrical (energy due to the flow electrical current)

3. Thermal (energy from motion of particles, heat)

4. Radiant (energy from light or electromagnetic waves)

5. Sound (vibration transferred through an object in a wave to produce sound)


What is Newton's Law of Conservation of Energy say?

Energy is neither created or destroyed, only changed


How can you increase the strength of an electromagnet?

1. Increase the length of the wire used

2. Increase the number of coils used

3. Increase the current/power used


What is an orbit?

Orbits are the result of a perfect balance between the forward motion of a body in space, such as a planet or moon, and the pull of gravity on it from another body in space, such as a large planet or star.

An orbit is the path of an object around a particular point in space


In the formula for calculating Potential Energy, PE = M * H * Gravity, what do the M and H stand for?

M = Mass

H = Height


A skier wants to go down a slope with the most kinetic energy possible. The best way to go faster is to start higher up. Why is this?

Starting higher up will start them with more potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy


What does Newton's Law of Inertia say?

Objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon


As the distance between two magnets increases (they get farther apart), the force between them _______



How does the moon influence the tides on Earth?

The Moon and Earth exert a gravitational pull on each other. On Earth, the Moon's gravitational pull causes the oceans to bulge out on both the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon. These bulges create high tides.


When does a rubber band have the MOST potential energy?

when it is stretched out as far as it can go


If two cars of the same mass get in a head on collision, which car will likely damage the other more? (ignore vehicle design and assume transferring more kinetic energy results in more damage)

A.  the car going slowest

B.  the car going fastest

B - the car going faster has more kinetic energy


What is a force?

A push or pull upon an object


How is the magnetic force different from the gravitational force?

Magnetic forces can push or pull depending on how the poles are aligned

Gravitational forces can only pull


How does the Sun affect the tides on Earth?

The Sun causes tides just like the moon does, although they are somewhat smaller. When the earth, moon, and Sun line up—which happens at times of full moon or new moon—the lunar and solar tides reinforce each other, leading to more extreme tides, called spring tides.


Chemical potential energy is stored in the bonds between atoms. When is chemical potential energy at its greatest?

A.  after a chemical reaction occurs

B.  when the chemical is being created

C.  before a chemical reaction occurs


Chemical potential energy is the stored energy in a substance’s chemical structure that can be released in a chemical reaction or as heat. 


Suppose you have a grocery cart. You are pushing it down the aisle and you continue to push with the same speed as you put more items in the cart. As you add more groceries to the cart, how will the Kinetic energy of the cart change?

The kinetic energy of the cart will increase because the mass is increasing while the speed remains constant.