What are the 2 examples of us exploring the behavioral perspective?
What is Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning
What 2 components of Classical Conditioning is a natural, unlearned response to a stimulus?
Unconditioned response and unconditioned stimulus
What are 2 things that can happen to a response once it is conditioned?
What is become extinct, or spontaneously recovered
What are 2 things that are also involved in classical conditioning?
What is stimulus discrimination and Stimulus generalization
What do taste aversions show us?
Demonstrate unique aspect of classical conditioning
What does behaviorism focus on?
What is OBSERVABLE behaviors to the exclusion of the mental process.
What are the 4 components of Classical Conditioning **BONUS POINTS: There was an extra component we talked about it. What was it****
What is
Unconditioned response
Unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Conditioned Stimulus
**Neutral Stimulus***
What is extinction?
CR diminishes when CS is no longer paired with the UCS
What is stimulus generalization and discrimination? Define and give example
SD: Differentiating between similar stimuli
EX: Salivates to specific bell tone, not to others
SE: Responding similarly to different but similar stimuli
EX: Salivates to similar bell tones
What is One-Trial conditioning? Provide an example
DEF: Strong aversions learned from a single pairing of taste and illness
EX: Eating a specific food then getting sick, leading to an aversion to that food
Provide an example of Behaviorism
What is studying measurable actions rather than thoughts and emotions
Forward: CS presented before UCS
Example: Bell Sound before food
Backwards: UCS presented before the CS
Example: Food presented before bell rings
What is an example of extinction?
When the bell rings repeatedly without food, salvation decreases
What are therapeutic interventions?
They are techniques like counter conditioning that are used to treat phobias
____________________ is another form of learning observed in organisms?
What is habituation
Provide one key concept in the behavioral perspective and provide the definition of the key concept
What is Classical Conditioning: Learning through the association of one stimulus with another to elicit a response.
Provide an example for each component in Pavlov's dog theory
UCS: Food causing salvation
UCR: Salvation when seeing food
CS: Bell Sound
CR: Salvation in response to bell
What is spontaneous recovery? Provide an example as well
Spontaneous recovery: Extinct CR reappears after a rest period when CS and UCS are paired again
Example: Salvation returns after pairing bell with food again after a break
Def: Using a previously conditioned CS as a UCS to condition a new CS
Ex: Bell (CS) paired with a light (new CS), light alone can eventually elicit salvation
What essentially is habituation? And what is an example?
It is a diminished response to a repeated or enduring stimuli.
Ignoring background noise over time
What is acquisition? Define and provide an example
Example: Pairing a bell (CS) with the food (UCS) to elicit a response (CR)
Please list the 5 Components of Classical Conditioning in this scenario:
The drill sound causes anxiety, and after repeated association with the dentist's office, what does the office become? What does the conditioned response become?**LIST UCS,UCR, NS, CS, and CR*
UCS: Drill sound
UCR: Anxiety
NS: Dentist office
CS: The Dentist office
CR: Anxiety
What does extinction and spontaneous recovery highlight?
Persistence and flexibility of conditioned responses
What was the name of the baby in the conditioned emotional response experiment?
Who is Little Albert
What does habituation help with?
What is helps organisms filter out irrelevant stimuli and focus on important changes in the enviorment