American Revolution
French Revolution Pt 1
French Revolution Pt 2
Latin Revolutions

In 1776, the American colonies declared their freedom from which country?

Bonus Question! (400 pts!) Who was the King of Great Britain in 1776?

Great Britain

Bonus: King George III


The French Revolution began in



Who became the absolute dictator of France ending the French Revolution?

Napoleon Bonaparte


What two countries controlled Latin American society before the revolutions?

Spain & Portugal


True or False: Identical Twins have the same fingerprints.



What was the name of the event in Boston on December 1773, where people dumped chests of tea into the Boston Harbor in protest?

Boston Tea Party


Who was the leader of France at the beginning of the French Revolution?

Louis XVI


What is the main cause of the French Revolution?

Social Imbalance of the 3 Estates = Angry Peasants


Who was the leader of the Mexican Independence movement?

Father Hidalgo


Which animal is 30 times more likely than a human to get stuck by lightning?



Who was influenced by the Enlightenment and wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


What 2 events marked the beginning of the French Revolution?

Calling of the Estates General->Tennis Court Oath

Storming of the Bastille 


Who was the leader of the Reign of Terror and head of the Committee of Public Safety?

Maximillion Robespierre 


What was Simon Bolivar's nickname?

Name 3 countries that he helped gain independence for?

The Liberator 

Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Columbia


Which country has won the most FIFA World Cups?

Brazil- 5


This event happened when a crowd of protesters threw snowballs and rocks at British soldiers, who then fired into the crowd.

Boston Massacre 


What did France have that was considered their "government", but hadn't been used or called upon for over 175 years? 

Why was it unfair?

The Estates General

1 vote for each Estate, 3rd always outvoted even though the represent 98% of the population.


Name & Explain 4 major events of Napoleon's rule of France 

1. The Coup of the Directory-1799

2. Napoleonic Wars- Take over of Europe- 1803-1814

3. Crown Himself Emperor- 1804

4. Napoleonic Code- 1804

5. Napoleon's Downfall- Invasion of Russia-1812

6. Napoleon's Exile & Return-1813-1814


Name and define the 4 social/ethnic classes of the Latin American Social Hierarchy.

1. Peninsulares- born in Spain

2. Creoles- Euros born in Latin Am

3. Mestizos- Native Am & European

    Mulattoes- African & European 

4. Africans & Native Americans


Random Question!!!!

What animal is the oldest living land animal in the world right now? 

A tortoise (turtle) named Jonathan, who is about to turn 190 years old. He was born in 1832.


Explain 3 Ways the Enlightenment influenced the American Revolution/Government

John Locke's Natural Rights- Life Liberty Property- Declaration of Independence

Voltaire- Freedom of Expression- Bill of Rights

Rousseau- Social Contract- U.S. Constitution

Montesquieu- Checks & Balances- 3 Branches of Gov't


How many Estates were the in pre-revolutionary France and what were they made up of?

1st Estate- Clergy/Church Officials 

2nd Estate- Nobility-Wealthy & Royalty

3rd Estate- Middle Class, Working Class, Peasants


Was Napoleon a hero or Tyrant for Revolutionary France? Give three examples why.

Might want to study this one! Maybe create an outline for a SAQ response. Wink Wink

Read the article on Google Classroom!


Explain 3 reasons why the Latin American Revolutions weren't as "revolutionary" as other political revolutions?

1. They kept the same rigid social hierarchy

2. Catholic Church remained very powerful and influential.

3. The patriarchy still dominated. Women's rights were ignored for over a century AFTER these revolutions.


What is the world record for the longest a chicken has lived without its' head?



His name was Miracle Mike.