Text Evidence
Main Idea vs. Theme
Simile or Metaphor
Verb Shifts

To quote from text to help support or prove a point



Inferring is...

when you make an educated guess based on what you read and what you know.



What is theme?

The message in the story that you can apply to real life. 

What is a simile?

Comparison using like or as


What is a verb?

It's what you do, an action word


How would you restate the question, "How did backpacks change over the years?"

Backpacks have changed over the years by


Tiffany held her breath as her teacher returned the math test the class had taken last week.  Tiffany had not studied very hard or long for the test, and she was worried about her grade.  Her teacher handed Tiffany her test.  Tiffany groaned and put her head down on her desk.
It is likely that:

Tiffany earned a bad grade on the test


What is main idea?

What the story is mostly about


What is a metaphor?

A comparison without using like or as


After relocating to the new city, we ________ (turn, turned) our attention to finding a new daycare.



The words or sentences that come before and after a word that readers use to figure out the meaning of unknown words are called...

Context Clues


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often said.

What can you infer that Paul does for work?

A construction worker



It doesn't matter what type of clothes you wear or the or the kind of music you listen to. What matter most is who you are inside.



The best friends had so much in common they were like two peas in a pod.
What two things are being compared in this this sentence?

Friends to peas


Is the sentence written correctly?

Alex swims across the pool, dives into the deep end, and plays with his friends; he loves pool day!


Today, the United Postal Service delivers mail by truck and by plane but it was not always delivered this way. In the past, mail was carried by stagecoaches and steamships. It was also carried on horses. For example, the Pony Express carried mail across the country to the gold fields of Sacramento, California in the 1860's. Around this same time, trains started to carry mail, especially with the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.

Name a reason the Pony Express delivered mail in the 1860's.

To the gold fields of Sacramento, California


Joseph and Caitlin were choosing the players for their teams. It was Caitlin's turn to choose, and only Jason was left. Caitlin said, "Jason."

We can infer that…

Jason was not a very good player.


Read the following paragraph:

There was once some hardworking ants and a grasshopper who hated to work. The ants gathered food all spring, while the grasshopper played. When winter came, the ants had enough food, but the grasshopper had nothing to eat.

What is the theme of this story?

Don't be lazy


What do similes and metaphors have in common?

They compare two or more things. 


Is the sentence written correctly?

Oscar makes cookies for his daughter's class and gave them to the kids.



The heaviest land animals in North America are the bison, which are often called buffaloes. Bison are about five to six feet tall at their shoulders and can weigh over a ton. Despite their size, bison can run very quickly, up to 40 miles per hour (faster than some racehorses). Bison once covered the Great Plains and much of North America, and were important to the Plains Indians, who used the animal for meat, clothing, homes, tools and more.

Why is it surprising that bison can run quickly?

They are heavy and weigh over a ton


Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. The dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs are known for their loyalty and gentleness. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER that:

Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.


What is the main idea of the short passage below?

Fears change as children grow up. Many 2- to 4-year-olds are afraid of animals, especially dogs. By 6 years, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark. Other common fears are of thunderstorms, doctors, and imaginary creatures.

Fears change as people grow up


Create your own metaphor



Replace the italicized sentence with the choice that has the correct verb tense.

My mom and I will go see another movie next weekend. We will go with Chantal and her dad. We meet in front of the theater.

We will meet