Figurative Language
The Odyssey!
Context Clues

What is metis?

Someone with great wisdom and cunning!


Write an example of a simile

The example should compare 2 things using "like" or "as."


What type of literature is The Odyssey? 

Epic Poem!


Using context clues, what does the word "serene" mean in the following sentence?

After the downpour ended, the neighborhood was SERENE.



What is a tragic flaw?

A defect in the character of a good person (as the hero of a tragedy) that causes his or her destruction


What is a gullet? 

The throat!


What is a Homeric Simile?

A detailed comparison in the form of a simile (using "like" or "as") that are many lines in length


What sort of themes do we see in The Odyssey? Name at least 2 one-word themes

Hubris, honor, loyalty, vengence

Teacher's Choice


Based on context clues in the passage below, ecstatic means __________.

They were ecstatic at the birth of their baby. They couldn't stop smiling for days.



What does it mean to imply something?

To share information indirectly

Example - He implied he was going to quit, but I don't believe he'll do it


What is an epithet?

Replacing the name for something with a commonly used phrase, but it only works if the person knows the reference. 

Example - The Big Apple!


What is personification? Provide an example AND the definition!

The sun smiled down on me.

Personification is when you assign human traits to an inanimate object.


What does it mean that The Odyssey has an episodic plot?

The story is told in individual "episodes" or books, each can be told on their own, but they come together to make one big story!


If you have trouble understanding a word in a passage or sentence of a story, you may want to read previous words or the end of the sentence to determine what the word means. What is this strategy known as?

Using Context Clues


What is the following an example of - 

Ahead are beetling rocks and dark blue glancing Amphitrite, surging, roars around them. Prowling Rocks, or Drifters, the gods in bliss have named them- named them well.

An epithet!

Prowling Rocks or Drifters is another way of saying the rocks are wandering from place to place, they are not fixed in one spot.


Who could be an example of hubris?

Kanye! He has excesive pride!


Write an example of a metaphor

The example should compare 2 things without using "like" or "as."


How would you describe Odysseus as a leader?

Teacher's Choice


The runner was last in the race. He began to feel great DURESS to get ahead of the other racers. He needed to win to keep his standing in the sport. 

What does duress mean?



What is being implied in the following example...

She covered my essay in red pen and point deductions.

It is implied that the person did poorly on their essay.


Give an example of a moral that someone may have

Teacher's Choice


What is a hyperbole? Provide an example AND definition!

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

A hyperbole is an over exaggeration.


Which of the follow goes against what we know about Greek culture?

A) In Greek culture, the gods rule destiny.

B) Man has ultimate control over his destiny.

C) All gods thwart humans and impede their progress.

B) Man has ultimate control over his destiny.


Speaking rudely to the judges was RASH behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning! 

What does rash mean in the sentence above?

Bad Behavior


What is a central idea when talking about a story?

It is the unifying element of a story, the controlling idea or central insight. A central idea is the main point that the author wants their readers to take away.