Word Meaning
Progressive tense

What does hunter mean?

These tools and weapons were used by hunters.

a. a person who hunts

b. something hunted

c. related to hunting

a. a person who hunts


What does the word belltower mean?

The ruins were part of an old belltower.

a.  a tower with a bell

b. a bell that is really tall

c. the act of ringing a bell

a.  a tower with a bell


In school, we ________ about ancient Egypt

a. learning

b. is learning

c. are learning

d. have learning

c. In school, we  are learning about ancient Egypt


our statues ___ standing in the corner of the room.

a. be

b. is

c. was

d. were

d. were


What does natural mean?

Long ago, people know a lot about the natural world.

a. before nature

b. student of nature

c. relating to nature

 c. relating to nature


What does the word firelight mean?

Long ago, people worked by firelight.

a. to light a fire

b. light from a fire

c. a light that causes a fire

b. light from a fire


A museum guide ______ the visitors about the old coins

a. telling

b. was telling

c. were telling

d. has telling

b. was telling

A museum guide was telling the visitors about the old coins


Only animals with wings ____ fly.

a. should

b. would

c. might

d. can

d. can


What does settlement mean?

Archaeologists found artifacts from the group's settlement.

a. not settled

b. results of settling

c. person who settles

b. results of settling


What does the word storeroom mean?

The archaeologist found a storeroom filled with grain.

a. a room used to store things.

b. a store with lots of space

c. a room inside a store

a. a room used to store things.


Tomorrow, archaeologists _____ to reporters about their discovery.

a. talking

b. is talking

c. were talking

d. will be talking

d. will be talking

Tomorrow, archaeologists will be talking to reporters about their discovery.


My brother  _____  like this book about mummies.

a. was

b. be

c. may

d. has

c. may


What does wonderful mean?

The museum has a wonderful exhibit about Egypt.

a. about wondering

b. one who wonders

c. filled with wonder

c. filled with wonder


What does campsite mean?

The artifacts came from an ancient campsite.

a. a tool used for camping

b. a shelter used for camping

c. a place where people camp.

c. a place where people camp.


Right now, workers ____ artifacts from the cave.

a. will be removing

b. are removing

c. were removing

d. removing

b. are removing

Right now, workers are removing artifacts from the cave.


Fossils break easily, so you _____  lift them carefully.

a. should

b. would

c. may

d. can

a. should


What does illustration mean?

This is not a good illustration of what the animal looked like.

a. act of illustrating

b. opposite of illustrating

c. result of illustrating.

c. result of illustrating.


What does mountainous mean?

Hundreds of years ago, a group of people lived in this mountainous area.

a. across the mountains

b. having mountains

c. from a mountain

b. having mountains


Right now, I ____ a program about King Tut.

a. watching

b. am watching

c. was watching

d. will be watching

b. am watching


Edgar _____  enjoy the natural history museum if we brought him there.

a. is

b. was

c. have

d. would

d. would