What is Symbolism?
Where one thing is meant to represent something else
What is Symbolism?
The panther in "The Midnight Zone"
What is Direct Characterization
Appreciating, overcoming or adapting to Change
What is Theme?
The use One as a collective pronoun in "One Today"
What is Point of View?
(Also, what is repetition?)
The use of one sun and one light throughout "One Today"
What is a Motif?
The remote location of the Florida Everglades
What is Setting?
Laura's choice to be a teacher while visiting with prisoners to smuggle supplies
What is Indirect Characterization?
(Also juxtaposition)
Telling the story of a former slave from his perspective
What is Point of View
Poetry without a regular rhyme scheme, meter, or rhythm
What is Free Verse?
Summer's sibilant kiss in "My True South"
What is a Personification?
The sequence of events in a story
What is Plot?
The role of the mother in "The Midnight Zone"
What is a Dynamic Character?
The use of elements of Naturalism in "One Today"
What is the lesson of Togetherness?
The poetic structure of "One Today"
What is Free Verse?
Weathering the storm in "My True South"
What is an Analogy?
(Also a metaphor)
The use of a narrative to personalize the meaning of the writing
What is Author's Purpose?
The general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc
What is Tone?
Challenging their role of freedom and independence in "What to the Slave is the 4th of July?"
Who is Audience?
" I will build a home of cement"
What is imagery?
The reference to hands throughout "One Today"
What is Synedoche?
short, fragmented sentences to express a sense of urgency in a text
What is Syntax?
The repetition of a word or phrase to express the main idea in a poem
What is Diction?
Jesmyn Ward's love/hate relationship with the South
What is the Author's Central Argument?
The arrangement of the author's ideas in a poem
What are Stanzas?