Who is the leader of the Israelites?
What was the 3rd commandment?
You shall keep the Sabbath day holy
what did the Israelites learn from the ten commandment's?
They learned how to be more faithful and get along with God.
How was the Israelites selfish?
They were complaining because they had to help moses
What is the first Beatitude?
Blessed the poor in spirit
What did he find on Mt. Siniah?
Ten commandment's
What was the tenth commandment?
You shall not covet your neighbors goods
What did the Israelite's learn after God gave them the snakebite's?
To not sin
How many years were the Israelites in the desert for?
40 years
What is the third Beatitude?
Blessed are the meek
Who was his father?
What was the seventh commandment?
You shall not steal
Why were the Israelites complaining on the journey to Mt. Siniah?
Because it was too long.
How did the Israelites earn the Ten Commandments?
Inscribed by the finger of God on two tablets of stone
What is the seventh Beatitude?
Blessed are the peacemakers
Did Moses have a sister?
Yes he did
What was the 5th commandment?
You shall not kill
Why did the Israelites have to live in the desert for 40 years?
Their unbelief and rebellion became so bad that God ordered them to wander in the wilderness for forty years
Did the Israelites respect the ten commandments?
Yes they did obey the Ten Commandments
What is the Fifth Beatitude?
Blessed are the merciful
Where was Moses found as a baby?
The Nile River
Who created the Ten commandments?
Why did God give the Israelites quail and manna?
He wanted them to realize that He was their only true source of help
What did the Israelites eat in the desert?
quail and manna
What is the eighth Beatitude?
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness