A major cause of the Great Depression was this economic problem, where wealth was concentrated in too few hands.
What is the unequal distribution of income?
This program paid farmers to produce less in order to raise crop and livestock prices.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act?
This group was forcibly removed from the West Coast and placed in internment camps.
Who are Asian Americans?
December 7, 1941. A day that will forever live in infamy.
What is the bombing at Pearl Harbor?
This type of policy aimed to control business to protect consumers, especially during the New Deal.
What is regulation?
This 1930 tariff worsened the Great Depression by reducing international trade.
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?
This New Deal agency still exists today and guarantees money in individual bank accounts.
What is the FDIC?
This program created a pathway to citizenship and offered housing in exchange for farm labor.
What is the Bracero Program?
Unemployment dropped, wages increased, and the U.S. became the world’s strongest economic and military power.
What are economic effects of World War II on the United States?
THe US government encouraged Americans to conserve and support the war effort in these three ways. Name one.
What is rationing?
What are victory gardens?
What are war bonds?
This is the reason why American families began to rely on family unity, playing board games, listening to the radio, and growing victory gardens.
How did American families try to cope with the hardships of the Great Depression?
Americans expanded their view of the government’s role in the economy as it saw the government's power to creating programs that provided direct assistance to citizens.
Opened doors to jobs traditionally held by other social groups and changed expectations and roles for this social group.
To avoid mass casualties and send a warning signal to the Soviet Union.
What are Truman's justifications for the use of the Atomic Bomb?
This was used to manipulate Americans emotions into supporting the war.
Millions of people losing their jobs, unemployment reaching 25%, widespread homelessness, creation of Hoovervilles/shantytowns, hobo culture are all...
What are effects of the Great Depression?
One criticism of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was that it did this to create jobs.
What is “created unnecessary projects” just to employ people?
They left the South for jobs in Northern and Western industries, and civil rights activism increased.
Who are African Americans?
What is rationing?
This agency was created specifically to solve debates between workers and employers.
What is the National Labor Relations Board? (NLRB).
Thousands of banks failed after the stock market crash, causing people to lose their savings and reducing the amount of money in circulation.
What are factors that worsened the Great Depression?
World War II created a demand for war materials and leaders wanted to slow down spending on New Deal programs.
What are the reasons the New Deal ended?
These young Americans were attacked during the Zoot Suit Riots.
Who are Mexican Americans?
What is the Double V campaign?
This secret government project connected New York, Illinois, and New Mexico to give the United States the ultimate advantage in World War II.
What is the Manhattan Project?