this characteristic of effective schools is done with teachers use positive classroom management techniques to keep students focused
Behavior management
what is formal curriculum
the planned objectives of all subject areas that students are taught
What is a teaching method that teaches contents using various different subject matter
interdisciplinary curriculum
the use of test that assess students' ability to perform a task instead of basic recall questions
authentic assessments
what is tracking?
grouping students by ability levels
this person is important to having an effect school because help to ensure that their school is delivering quality education for all students
the principal
what is informal (hidden) curriculum?
taught to socialize and teach values important to society- usually conveyed indirectly
Give an example of cooperative learning
student teams, jigsaw, group investigations, think-pair share
What is constructivism?
a theory of knowledge and acquisition built on the idea that learners interact with new information to construct meaning from it
what is a multicultural curriculum?
a curriculum that promotes an understanding of and appreciation for cultural pluralism
it attempts to address issues of social injustice related to racism, sexism, and economic inequality by reducing prejudice and fostering tolerance
this characteristic of effective school is shown when teachers hold all students (regardless of differences) to high standards
teacher's expectations
what are content standards
statements of subject specific knowledge and skills that schools are expected to teach and that students are expected to learn
when teachers use different strategies to respond to student differences rather than one standard approach for all students
differentiated instruction
this reform is aimed at helping students and teachers feel more connected in larger schools
sense of community/ schools within schools
this is used when parents have concerns about the moral climate in public schools, religious differences, curriculum, and lack of desired classes
this characteristic of effective schools refers to when students are actually focused on content related activities (not transitions or down time)
academic engaged time
the purpose of this content is to provide a foundation of skills that allow high school students to be employed after graduation
Career ad Technical Education
when teachers follow their students to the next grade in order to for teachers to understand their students better
the idea states that because the world is changing rapidly students need to be taught differently so they are able to solve probelms
Lifelong learning
schools that specialize in a specific academic area
magnet schools
this characteristic of effective schools is demonstrated when there is a mutual respect between students, teachers, principals, parents, etc. and where people feel cared for
school environment
What 2 subjects are taught the most in schools?
ELA and math
this approach emphasizes writing as a tool for learning in all subjects
writing across the curriculum
what is character education
teaching students how to develop a moral compass and gain a sense of right and wrong
a type of educational choice that gives parents the money to send their student to a school they believe is more desirable (can be a different public school or a private school)
voucher plans