Static Electricity
Momentum & Circuits

Which of the following describes static electricity? 

a. The continuous flow of charges on an object

b. The transfer of charges on an object by direct contact

c. The build up of charges on an object

d. The transfer of charges by indirect contact

C- The build up of charges on an object


The part of electric circuit that uses power is  called a(n)

a. power source

b. wire

c. switch

d. load

d. load 


Magnetism is....

a. The part of the magnet where the force is the strongest

b. A force created by magnets that pulls (attracts) /pushes (repels) some metals

c. To Pull towards

d. An object able to pull some metals towards itself

b. A force created by magnets that pulls (attracts) /pushes (repels) some metals


Which is NOT an insulator?

a. Wood

b. Plastic

c. Copper

d. Glass

c. Copper


What type of static electricity is shown in the picture? 



What kind of circuit is in the image?

a. Simple circuit

b. Series circuit

c. Parallel circuit

d. None of the above 


 b. a series circuit


What will happen when these magnets are brought close together?

a. They will attract each other.

b. They will repel each other.

c. Both magnets will turn to the left

d. Both magnets will turn to the right

b. They will repel each other



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A conductor is defined as__________.

a. Doesn't allow electricity to pass through it

b. Only conducts electricity in an open circuit

c. Does not light up a bulb if attached to a circuit

d. Allows electricity to pass through it

d. Allows electricity to pass through it


How is conduction different from induction?

Conduction objects are charged by  direct contact. In induction, objects charged without any direct contact


Which position is the light switch shown in the picture? Will the light turn on or off? Why 

It is off or open.  The light will not turn on because there is no flow of electrons through the wire. 

If you cut a magnet in half, what happens to the poles?

a. One half gets the North Pole, the other half gets the South Pole
b. Both halves get only a North Pole
c. Both halves get only a South Pole
d. Both halves get a North pole and a South Pole

d. Both halves get a North pole and a South Pole

Why does a truck have more momentum than a car traveling at the same speed?

a. The truck has more mass

b. The truck has less mass

c. The car is moving faster

d. The car has more mass

a. The truck has more mass


Based on the image what will happen to the balloons? Why? 

They will attract because they have opposite charges. 


What is the major difference between static electricity and current electricity?

a. Current electricity involves a continuous flow of neutrons; static electricity is a sudden transfer of protons.

b. Current electricity can be deadly; static electricity is almost always safe.

c. In current electricity, there's a single transfer of electrons; in static electricity, there's a steady flow of electrons.

d. Current electricity involves a flow of electrons; static electricity involves a single transfer of electrons.



Which of the following metals is not magnetic?

a. Iron

b. Cobalt

c. Aluminum

d. Nickel

c. Nickel


A deer with mass of 146 kg is running head-on toward you with a speed of 17m/s. Find the momentum of the deer.

Momentum= Mass x Velocity units (kg.m/s2)

What is 2,482 kg x m/s2


Which of the following is caused by static electricity?

a. a stove getting hot when it is turned on

b. a magnet being attracted to a refrigerator

c. a lightning strike during a storm

d. a light bulb coming on when a switch is turned on

C. a lightning strike during a storm 


In a parallel circuit, what will happen if one of the bulbs does not work?

They continue to work because there is still a separate path from the  power source to each of the light bulbs.


For the bolts in our lab activity to stick to the magnet. What would need to happen for the magnetic domains in the picture? 

They need to line up in the same direction. 


Momentum= Mass x Velocity units (kg.m/s2)

Which object has more momentum? A 50 kg object moving at 10m/s or a 2.5 kg object moving at 200m/s

There momentum is equal.