Asylum Seeker

Who was the famous soccer player that I mentioned that played for Spanish who is Moroccan. 

Lamine Yamal 


We saw a video in class of a group of guest workers that go to Denver to work. Where does this group of people come from?



Name one example of an intervening obstacle?

•Environmental Intervening Obstacles:


•Bodies of Water


•Cultural Intervening Obstacles:




•Immigration Laws/Policies


How are attitudes towards migrants in Europe?



Name an example of migration to reconnect with a cultural group?

Jewish people settling in Israel.

Migration refers to a _____________ move to a new location.



What is the difference between cyclic and periodic movement?

Cyclic movement is movement away from home for a __________________ period. Periodic movement is movement away from home for a __________________- period.

Cyclic movement is movement away from home for a short period. Periodic movement is movement away from home for a long period.


Provide an example of a group of refugees that we talked about in class?

Answers my way. Syrians, Moroccans, Venezuelans. 


Internal migration refers to movement with:

A country's borders


What is chain migration?

It's when a family member who is already established in a country starts to bring the rest of his family to where he lives. 


What are the 4 phases of immigration into the United States?

1) Frontier Expansion

2) Industrialization 

3) Immigration Pause

4) Post-1965 Immigration


Provide two examples of forced migration

Answers my vary; Lost Boys of Sudan, Native Americans


What are "Guest Workers and why do they migrate?

Guest workers are people who travel to another country for about six month and will send money home to family members.


Name a major event that doesn't not cause migration.

Answers may vary; Buying a car is a major event. 


After bad floods in their hometown, Priya and her family had to leave and move to another part of the country. The floods destroyed their home, and it is no longer safe to stay. Even though they wanted to stay, they had to move to a place chosen by the government. What idea about moving is this talking about?

A) Voluntary Migration B) Involuntary Migration

*No chance to steal for this question*

B) Involuntary Migration


What are "Intervening Opportunities" in migration

The point where a migrant chooses to settle due to pull factors.


Emigration refers to people moving ____________ a country, while immigrants refers to people moving _____________ a new place. 

Away From; Into


Transnationalism is defined as:

Ongoing connections between migrants and their home countries. 


Internally Displaced People (IDP) differ from refugees in that:

IDPs remain within their home countries. 


Carlos wants to live in a big city to get better job opportunities. But because he doesn't have enough money right now, he first moves from his village to a small town. After saving some money, he plans to move to a medium-sized city, and then to the big city where his dream job is. What idea about moving is this talking about?

A) Step Migration B) Intervening Obstacles C) Chain Migration

A) Step Migration


John has lived in the northeastern U.S. all his life. He got a new job in California, so he is moving across the country. He is excited to live in a new place with different weather and new chances. What idea about moving to a new place is this talking about?

A) Interregional Migration B) Intraregional Migration

*No chance to steal for this question*

A) Interregional Migration


In 2022, 150,000 people moved into Brazil from other countries. In the same year, 85,000 people left Brazil to live in other countries. What is the net migration for Brazil? Is this an example of more people coming in or going out? Explain why. This is an example of Net-______ Migration because ____________

This is an example of Net-In Migration because there were more people arriving to Brazil than leaving the country. 


Because of a war in their country, Amina and her family had to leave their home. Their village is not safe anymore because of violence. They ran away to a nearby country to find safety and left everything they owned behind.

A) Guest Workers B) Guest Workers C) Forced Migration

C) Forced Migration


Maria has lived in her small town for many years. But now, there are fewer jobs because some factories closed, and crime is going up. Maria decides to move to a big city to find a better job and feel safer. What ideas about moving to new places is this problem talking about?

A) Push and Pull Factors B) Step Migration and Intervening Opportunities c) Forced Migration and Environmental Migration

Push and Pull Factors


Sarah has been living in the countryside, but she decides to move to a city nearby to find better jobs and more services. She stays in the same area but moves from a rural place to an urban one. What idea about moving is this talking about?

A) Interregional Migration B) Intraregional migration

*No chance to steal for this question*

B) Intraregional Migration