The Union In Crisis
The Early Years of the War
Turning points and effects of the war
The principle that voters would decide whether or not a state would be free or slave.
What is Popular Sovereignty
A Union Strategy to divide the CSA in half at the Mississippi River and cut off all Confederate resources
What is Anaconda Plan
Gettysburg and the siege of Vicksburg were both turning points in the war, and both ended on this day
What is July 4, 1863
Where workers shared a portion of the harvest with landowners in exchange for a place to live
What is Sharecropping
Extremists within the party of Lincoln who felt the South committed crimes and needed to pay and wanted equality for freedmen
What is Radical Republicans
On the eve of the Civil War there were about how many slaves in the Southern States
What is 3.5 Million
What was the significance of the battle of Antietam
What is Bloodiest single day, Abe Lincoln issues Emancipation, First Battle fought on Union soil
Stonewall Jackson fell at this battle, one of Lee's greatest victories.
What is Chancellorsville
The Wade David Bill called for this percentage of voters to swear loyalty to the Union before a state could be readmitted.
What is majority
The initial shots fired in South Carolina took place at this fortification
What is Fort Sumter
What was the significance of Uncle Tom's Cabin
What is showed the horrors of slavery, persuaded many northerners to join the abolition movement
Why were casualties seemingly so much higher in the Civil War than previous American conflicts?
What is better technology (weapons) and old tactics
About how many soldiers fell at Gettysburg from both sides?
What is 50,000
A northerner who came south for economic or political opportunity were labeled this derogatory term by southerners
What is carpetbagger
Name 3 new types of weapons/technology that played a role during the Civil War
What is minie ball, ironclad, mobile artillery, henry rifle, telegraph, railroad, etc.
The Fugitive Slave Act stated:
What is anyone finding a runaway slave must assist in returning them to their southern "owner"
List 4 advantages for the North, List 4 advantages for the South
What is North- material goods, rail lines, communication, gov't, Lincoln, wealth, trade partners, navy Industry… south- military leadership, home field, cause, military schools, sharpshooters
These amendments were added to the Constitution following the Civil War.
What is 13th/14th
Name 3 successes of Reconstruction
What is advancement of African Americans, housing, education, jobs, voting, 13-15 amendment, reunited country, solidified federal power, helped economic recovery, rebuilt infrastructure
What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do?
What is granted PS in Kansas and Neb territories
Name the 4 parts of the Compromise of 1850
What is PS is Utah and NM, Slave Trade banned in DC, New stricter FSL, and California Admitted as a Free State
What was Total War, who were the two Union generals who sought to use this strategy to end the war
What is destroying civilian targets as well as military targets, destroy infrastructure and resources, kill will of southerners; William T Sherman, US Grant
Name one social, one government and one economic effect of the Civil War:
What is various answers
What did the compromise of 1877 do?
What is federal troops removed from the south, federal govt subsidized economic recovery, ended reconstruction
Name 3 political parties that existed during the 1850s
What is Republican, Democrat, Free Soil, Know Nothing, Whigs, Constitutional Unionist