Point of View
Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Context Clues
What are the four types of point of view?
1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person limited and 3rd person omniscient
What are the five main reasons an author writes? (Think overall purpose)
The five reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Express, Explain and Entertain.
What is one simple way of writing down the main idea as you read?
A simple way of writing the main idea is to write a #3wordsummary. (another acceptable answer: include the who, what and why.)
An inference is combing what two elements?
An inference is combining background knowledge and text evidence.
When might you use your context clues?
You might use context clues when you can't figure out the definition of a word or you run into a word you've never seen before.
What point of view is the following quote "My dear Mr. President: I was sitting in the audience..."?
The quote is first person point of view because of the use of the pronouns "my" and "I".
When crafting your answer, you should include ___________ words. What are some examples?
When crafting your answer, you should include strong words. Some examples are: show, persuade, inform, express, emphasize, argue for
What do you need to write a non-fiction summary?
In order to write a good non-fiction summary, you need the five W's. Who, what, when, where, why and sometimes how.
What background knowledge do you have on Jackie Robinson?
Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson was an American baseball player who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball.
Using context clues, what does "reluctantly" mean in the following sentence "President Eisenhower reluctantly sent U.S. troops to enforce the school's integration"?
Reluctantly means not willingly; almost forced.
What point of view is the following quote "President Eisenhower reluctantly sent U.S. troops to enforce the school's integration."?
The point of view of the quote is 3rd person limited because it only shows the motivation behind President Eisenhower and not the troops.
What was the purpose of the "Time and Setting of the Letter" section?
The purpose of the "Time and Setting of the Letter" section is to establish the reason when and where the letter was crafted. Also, to establish why Jacky Robinson might write it.
Write one hash-tag per section: one for "Time and Setting of the Letter" and one for "Copy of the Jackie Robinson Letter".
"Time and Setting of the Letter" #controversy not allowed "Copy of the Jackie Robinson Letter" #respectfully do something
What background knowledge do you have on the following quote "In September 1957, Governor Orval Faubus had ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent entry of nine African American students into a that city's Central High School?
What I already know is that Elizabeth Eckford was one of the students who was not allowed to enter the high school. She was escorted by police officers because there were people protesting her attending the school.
In the following quote, the word "unwittingly" most likely means: "I respectfully suggest that you unwittingly crush the spirit of freedom in Negroes".
Unwittingly means probably not meaning to; not knowing
The section "Time and Setting of the Letter" was written in what point of view?
The section "Time and Setting of the Letter" was written in 3rd person omniscient.
What is the purpose of Jackie Robinson starting the letter with "My dear Mr. President"?
The purpose of Jackie Robinson starting his letter with "My dear Mr. President" is to establish that he did respect the President and recognized that he was in a position of authority.
What is the central argument of the letter Jackie Robinson wrote?
The central argument is that it is time President Eisenhower put a stop to people like Governor Faubus who are pro-segregation.
What can you infer about Jackie writing "On hearing you say this, I felt like standing up and saying, "Oh no! Not again."?
What I already know is that President Eisenhower just finished saying that they "must have patience". I can infer that Jackie Robinson wanted to say "Oh no! Not again." because African-Americans have had a lot of patience when it comes to stopping segregation. I can infer that Jackie was tired of being patient.
In the following quote, the phrase "chief of executive of our nation" most likely means? "As the chief of executive of our nation, I respectfully suggest..."
chief of executive of our nation is another way of saying President of the United States
The section "Copy of the Jackie Robinson Letter" was written in what point of view? What are your key words?
The section "Copy of the Jackie Robinson Letter" was written in a mixture of 1st person point of view AND 2nd person. Key words include "I respectfully" and "do as you suggest".
What was the purpose of mixing up the point of views in the letter that Jackie Robinson wrote?
The purpose of mixing up the point of views in the letter that Jackie Robinson wrote was so that Jackie could express his beliefs but at the same time call to action the President.
Identify the five W's in this selection.
Who: Jackie Robinson What: wrote a letter to President Eisenhower When: May 13, 1958 Where: In the US Why: Jackie wanted to respond to comments President Eisenhower had stated and express his opinion on segregation How: by writing a very well thought out letter that included personal experiences
What can you infer from the following quote, "This we cannot do unless we pursue aggressively goals which all other Americans achieved over 150 years ago."?
What I already know if that Jackie Robinson wants segregation to end. I also know that segregation limits people's freedoms. I can infer that Jackie wants African Americans to be able to do the same things as whites without having to worry about his skin color.
In the following quote, the word "forbearance" most likely means: "Your own experience with Governor Faubus is proof enough that forbearance and not eventual integration is the goal the pro-segregation leaders seek."
Forbearance probably means avoiding following the law