Metabolic Reactions
Scientific Concepts

What is a property?

A property is a unique characteristic that helps us identify matter. 


When fat is burned what does it turn into, and how is this waste released from the body?

Carbon dioxide is created and we exhale it out. 


Who is M'kenna, how old is she, and how many symptoms does she have?

M'kenna is a 13 y/o girl who was healthy then fell sick and she has 10 symptoms. 


What did we figure out about M'kenna's villi?

M'kenna's villi is short so her small intestines does not absorb nutrients correctly


What is matter? 

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space


Why do we use properties to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred? 

Properties of a substance do not change unless it is chemically altered forever. So if the properties of a substance change we know a chemical reaction has happened. 

What gas is needed to create energy for the body?



Name 6 body systems, and which of those body systems are impacting M'kenna the most. 

1. Circulatory system 

2. Nervous system 

3. Respiratory system

4. Digestive system

5. Muscular system 

6. Skeletal system  


What are the air sacs in the lungs called that allow oxygen to transfer into the bloodstream?



What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is a process where two or more substances react which causes their particles to break apart and rearrange to form new substances. 

Name three physical properties 

texture, color, odor, hardness, density, mass, etc 


What food molecules create waste in a healthy person?

Water and Fiber


Which organ in M'kenna had the most damage?

The small intestine 


What is the job of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine? Be as specific as you can. 

Mouth= Physical breakdown of food, chemical breakdown of carbs 

Esophagus= transfer broken down food into the stomach 

Stomach: breakdown of larger food molecules (fats and proteins) 

Small intestine: absorbs broken down food molecules (glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids) into blood 

Large intestine (remove waste (fiber+ some water))


What is the difference between QUALitative and QUANtitative data? 

QuaLitative data = evidence from physical observations (sight, sound, scent, etc) 

QuanTitative data = evidence that comes from numbers. 


Name two chemical properties

flammability, reactivity, toxicity


Where do carbohydrates, protein, and fats break down in the digestive system and what do these nutrients turn into?

Carbs=glucose (Mouth), Protein=amino acids (stomach), Fat= fatty acids (Stomach)


Which disease did we determine M'kenna has?

We determined that M'kenna has Celiac disease.


Where do oxygen and nutrients react to create energy for our bodies? 

In our cells 


What is an enzyme?

A chemical in the body that speeds up the process of digestion. 


Name three properties of oxygen

1. Invisible 

2. Odorless 

3. Has the ability to move 


How do nutrients get absorbed in the body? (be specific)

The small intestines is made up of tiny holes that allow small food molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream. 


How does M'kenna's condition impact her small intestines? 

A. M'kenna has colitis, so it impacts her large intestine so she cannot produce waste like a healthy person. 

B. M'kenna has Celiac which damages the villi of the small intestines. The condition flattens her villi so her body cannot absorb nutrients.

C. M'kenna has Chron's which causes her small intestine to become inflamed so her small intestines is blocked which does not allow food molecules to enter the blood. 

B. M'kenna has Celiac which damages the villi of the small intestines. The condition flattens her villi so her body cannot absorb nutrients.

Why is fat created in the body? 

Fat is a type of cell that stores extra nutrients for the body to use when the body does not have nutrients from consuming food. 

What is cellular respiration? 

A chemical reaction that happens in the body when oxygen and glucose combine which creates energy for our bodies.