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This person was the first person to MAP the GULF COAST.

a. Pineda

b. Cabeza de Vaca

c. La Salle

d. Coronado

Who is Pineda?


Purpose of a Mission

a. To spread Judaism to Native American tribes

b. To spread Christianity to Native American tribes

c. To teach Native American tribes how to fight

d. To teach Native American tribes about far away lands 

What is B? To Spread Christianity


Year Pineda Mapped the Gulf Coast

a. 1718

b. 1500

c. 1519

d. 1200

What is 1519?


Cities like El Paso and San Antonio are named after this culture:

A. France

B. Spain

c. England

d. Canada

What is Spain?


2 countries fighting over land during early colonization era are...

a. Spain and England

b. Spain and Canada

c. Spain and France

d. France and England 

What is C (Spain and France)?


Explorer who claimed the Mouth of the Mississippi River

a. Pineda

b. La Salle

c. Cabeza De Vaca

d. Coronado

Who is La Salle?


Cibola is...

a. Cibola was a successful mission that was established in San Antonio. 

b. Cibola was a ship filled with Spanish colonists that landed on the Texas coast 

c. Cibola was a legend about seven cities of gold that drew many Spanish explorers to Texas 

d. Cibola was a disease that wiped out many Spaniards. 

What is C? Seven Cities of Gold

  • nomads
  • fishermen
  • buffalo hunters
  • tepees

Which term does NOT belong with the rest in describing the Kiowa and Apache Indians?

Who are fisherman?


A characteristic of the Spanish Colonization Era is...

a. Mexican troops were fighting Texians at the Alamo 

b. North and  South fought against each other in the Civil War 

c. Cotton cattle and railroads were important during this time 

d. Missions were used to convert  natives and claim land 

What is D? Missions were used to convert natives and claim land 


Not a reason of Spanish Exploration in Texas

a. Gold

b. Glory

c. Guns

d. God

What is Guns?



Cabeza De Vaca and Pineda are part of this Era

a. Age of Contact Era

b. Mexican National Era

c. Revolutionary Era

d. Contemporary Era

What is A? Age of Contact Era


Coastal Plains has the lowest ____________

Mountain and Basins had the highest _____________

Because the Great Plains has higher ____________, it gets colder at night. 

Fill in the blank with the same vocabulary word

What is elevation?


Gulf Coast Indian tribes and Plains Indian tribes were similar in that they were both -

Sedentary or Nomadic

What is nomadic?


Missions and Presidios were built along which geographic system (land, mountains, rivers, plateaus, deserts, escarpments)

What are rivers for irrigation systems?


Name an example of a primary source

What is a diary, interview, photo, artifact?


Write who did what...

a. Wrote a Journal document plants and animals across Texas 

b. Mapped the Gulf Coast 

c. French explorer mutinied by his own men

Who are Cabeza de Vaca (journal plants and animals), Pineda (mapped Gulf Coast), La Salle (mutinied)


Gulf Coast and Plains tribes are similar that they are both...

What is Nomadic?


Puebloan Indian Tribes and Southeastern Indian tribes were similar in that they were both -

What is Sedentary?


Negative Effect of Missions

What are diseases?


Name the region Houston belongs to

What is D the Coastal Plains?


Name what Cabeza de Vaca is famous for

What is 1st to journal plants and animals?


Precipitation_________________ as you go from West to East Texas.

What is increases?


Name a year NOT associated with the Age of Contact and Spanish Colonization

What is any year other than 1400s, 1500s, and 1600s.



Name a reason why Spanish Mission system failed.

What is natives rejecting Spanish culture and religion? What are diseases? 


Name E and C

What are El Paso and Austin?