Properties of Multiplication
Multi-Step Word Problems 1
Multi-Step Word Problems 2

Which expression has the same value as 6 x 4

a. 4 + 6

b. 6 - 4

c. 4 x 6

d. 6 ÷ 4

c. 4 x 6


A bakery had 24 chocolate chip cookies and 65 sugar cookies. They sold 37 cookies in the afternoon. How many cookies did the bakery have left?

52 cookies


Colton had 187 erasers. He gave 43 to Athena and 68 to Alina. How many erasers did Colton have left?

76 erasers.



5 x 4 x 3



Which expression has the same value as

(4 x 3) x 7 = 84

a. 4 x (3 + 7)

b. 4 x (3 x 7)

c. 4 x (2 x 4)

d. 4 + (3 + 7)

b. 4 x (3 x 7)


Stella had 32 pieces of candy. She ate 4 pieces on her walk home. She split the rest equally among 7 of her friends. How much candy did each friend get?

4 pieces.


Mia has 46 dollars saved up. She wants to take her friends out for milkshakes. If the 6 friends each buy milkshakes that cost 4 dollars, how much money will Mia have left?

Mia will have $22 left.


What number would make this equation true?

 42 ÷ ___ = 7


Which expression could be used to solve 9 x 7

a. 9 x (2 + 5)

b. 9 x (2 x 5)

c. 9 + 2 + 5

d. (9 + 2) x 5

a. 9 x (2 + 5)


Kayleigh is writing a book. She wants to finish the book in 8 days. She has 45 pages written right now and is planning on writing 6 pages a day. How long will the book be when she is done?

93 pages


Aubree has 5 canvases to paint. Each canvas will take 4 hours to paint. Each day, Aubree spends 2 hours painting. How many days will it take for all of the canvases to be painted?

10 days.


When I add two even numbers, I will get an...

a. even sum

b. odd sum

a. even sum


8 x 7 = 56

Which expression could help you solve in a different way?

a. (8 x 7) + (2 x 7)

b. (8 x 2) x (8 x 5)

c. 8 + (5 x 2)

d. (8 x 2) + (8 x 5)

d. (8 x 2) + (8 x 5)


Kate reads 6 pages of her book a day. Her book is 84 pages. If she reads her book for 8 days, how many pages does she still have left to read?

36 pages.


Kami baked a batch of 36 cookies. She put her cookies into packages with 4 cookies in each bag. She sold each bag of cookies for $3 each. How much money did Kami make?

Kami made $27.

There are 36 cookies in a jar. They are divided into piles of 4. Choose the equation that will tell how many cookies are in each pile.

a. 36 ÷ ____ = 7

b. 36 x 4 = ____

c. 4 x ____ = 36

d. 36 x ____ = 4

c. 4 x ____ = 36


Re-write this expression in TWO different ways using the distributive property and solve.

8 x 9 


8 x (4 + 5)

(8 x 4) + (8 x 5) 



Ivanna earned $15 for walking dogs. She got paid $3 for each dog that she walked. If she walked 2 dogs the first week, how many dogs did she walk the second week?

Ivanna walked 3 dogs during the second week.


Decklan earned $30 for shoveling driveways. He got paid $5 for each driveway that he shoveled. If he shoveled 2 driveways on Saturday, how many driveways did he shovel on Sunday?

Decklan shoveled 4 driveways on Sunday.


When I multiply two odd factors together, I will get an...

a. even product

b. odd product

b. odd product