Video Games Questions
Comic Strip Questions
Short Constructed Response

Which sentence best supports the claim made in the article on Video Games? 

A. It is impossible to spend too much time playing video games.

B. The most important time to avoid video games is during school.

C. People use video games in a way that is very harmful to their overall well-being.

D. Board games are the only worthwhile form of entertainment.

C. People use video games in a way that is very harmful to their overall well-being.


When is they're used?

They're is used for a contraction of they are.


"Every time I have been to Florida, the weather has been rainy. It's always raining in Florida!"

This type of fallacy is considered...



What is the creator of the comic strip trying to teach you? What text evidence supports this?

The creator of the comic strip is trying to teach you that video games are addictive. The text evidence that supports this is the last pannel when he goes back to playing video games.


True or False: You SHOULD explain why that is your answer to your short constructed response.



Read the excerpt from paragraph 4 of the article. 

However, you can’t beat face to face contact, real in person talks, or spending time engaging others, because if you want to succeed in interviews, build good relationships later in life, and be able to carry on a conversation you need to develop some proper communication skills. In person interaction is where this skill is learned.

Which phrase best explains why the article most likely uses repetition and parallelism in this excerpt? 

A. To emphasize the idea that the ability to carry on a conversation is important for your future.

B. To convince the reader that they should care about others more.

C. To emphasize the idea that being in person is the only way to communicate.

D. To convince the reader that it is possible to communicate effectively through technology.

A. To emphasize the idea that the ability to carry on a conversation is important for your future.


When is their used?

Their is used when talking about ownership.


What key words do you see in overgeneralizations?

All, Only, and Never


Which statement from the article does the comic strip best support?

A. Getting a good education is the best thing you can do for your future.

B. Gaming can reduce your concentration span.

C. Team sports are both fun and great exercise.

D. Playing video games to often is no good for your social skills.

C. Team sports are both fun and great exercise.


What is text evidence?

Text evidence is words from the text that support your answer.


Why does the article most likely use italics in the underlined phrase in this sentence?

With gazillions of young people facing obesity, it is very important for young people to spend as much time being active as possible, especially since studies show that people who are overweight during childhood and adolescence are far more likely to become overweight adults than those of a healthy weight when they are young.

A. To draw attention to the idea that people prefer video games to being active.

B. To draw attention to the idea that many people want to avoid having fun outside.

C. To emphasize the idea that many people feel frightened about interacting with the great outdoors.

D. To emphasize the idea that people many people are uncomfortable when they touch grass.

A. To draw attention to the idea that people prefer video games to being active.

When is there used?

There is used when talking about a place or idea.


Which of the following choices is considered overgeneralization? 

A. If you drink sodas, you'll get a cavity. If you have cavities, you have to get your teeth pulled. If you don't have teeth, you can only eat mashed potatoes. 

B. I hate the shoes you're wearing, so I'm not sitting with you at lunch. 

C. I've only seen one swan and it was white. All swans are white.

D. It's sunny outside today, I don't see any clouds in the sky today, so today is going to be a great day. 

C. I've only seen one swan and it was white. All swans are white.


The panels of the comic strip help —

A. indicate that there is a flashback

B. create a clear chronological narrative

C. compare and contrast the ideas presented

D. organize ideas into a problem-solution narrative

B. create a clear chronological narrative


What MUST you ALWAYS include in your short constructed response?

You must include text evidence directly from the story.


Which TWO sentences best express perspectives in the article?

Select TWO correct answers.

A. It is important to study.

B. Video games are obstacles to being healthy.

C. Video game technology will improve young people's quality of life.

D. Technology will only improve college acceptance rates.

E. It’s healthy to waste time outside.

A. It is important to study.

B. Video games are obstacles to being healthy.


What change, if any, should be made to the following sentence?

There faces when they saw my new outfit were so surprised!

Change There to Their


What type of fallacy is this?

All sixth graders that watch TikTok are good dancers.



Which panel, or individual illustration, of the comic strip shows a turning point in the character’s thinking?

A. panel 2 (Ahh! . . . )

B. panel 4 (It feels so . . . )

C. panel 8 (Except . . . )

D. panel 10 (Well . . . )

C. panel 8 (Except . . . )


What must you include in your first sentence of your short constructed response?

I must restate the question and answer the question.


Who is most likely the intended audience for the article?

A. Parents

B. College kids

C. Middle school students

D. Any who plays video games

D. Any who plays video games


Restate the following sentence correctly:

My dad and brother tried his best to persuade me that I looked fine and shouldn't be concerned.

My dad and brother tried their best to persuade me that I looked fine and shouldn't be concerned.


Read this phrase: 

“Kids who play video games will never have to go outside and will never have to play sports.”

What type of fallacy is this phrase an example of?



How does the creator of the comic strip convey her message?

A. She uses illustrations and words to show how video games are addictive.

B. She uses illustrations and words to show that people can live without video games.

C. She uses illustrations to show that people can live without video games, and words to show that it is addictive.

D. She uses illustrations to show that video games are addictive, and words to show that people can live without it.

A. She uses illustrations and words to show how video games are addictive.


How many sentences should your short constructed response include?

My short constructed response should include 3-4 sentences.