Founding Fathers
Bill of Rights
Are you sure?
What is the minimum age requirement to be a senator?

30 years old.


Define: Federalism

A system of government that divides power between a national government and state governments


What is an Amendment? 

A formal change to the Constitution.


After chopping down a cherry tree, what did young George Washington do?

While George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree, the myth represents his honest character as he is said to have admitted it to his father right away.


True or False: While the Articles of Confederation allowed the government to raise an army, it could not raise taxes.



How was the Constitution ratified?

The Constitution was brought back to each state where it was debated and ratified.


In the Declaration of Independence, the founders state that every person should have the right to these 3 things.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


What does right does the 5th Amendment protect?

No person can be forced to testify against themselves during a trial. No person can be charged for the same crime twice.

"The right to remain silent."


What was the name of Washington's wife?

Martha (Custis) Washington


True or False: The Quasi-War was a set of naval skirmishes between the Americans and the Spanish.

False; It was between the Americans and the French.


What branch of government is created by Article I section 2 & 3? What two parts of government were made?

The legislative branch. The Senate and House of Representatives.


Which President promoted the Alien and Sedition Acts? What did they do?

John Adams.

The acts restricted immigration and limited freedom of speech. People could be arrested for criticizing the government.


What was the argument against having a Bill of Rights?

If the government lists exactly what rights it protects, then everything else is not protected.


What was Washington's strategy for winning the Revolution?

A war of attrition. He wanted to wear down British moral and make them question why they were even fighting.


Uh-oh! Who is this fine gentleman?

Alexander Hamilton


List at least 5 powers given to Congress in Article 1 Section 8.

Taxation, borrowing money, regulating commerce, establish naturalization rules, coin money, punish counterfeiting, make post offices, protect inventors & authors, establish courts, punish treason, declare war, raise an army, call the militia when needed, govern Washington DC, and to create laws.


How did Jefferson want people to live life?

In small, self sustained agrarian societies.

The 1st Amendment protects ______.

Freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and the press.


What was so significant about George Washington's leadership after the war?

He refused to become king, instead he became an elected president, leading the country for a limited amount of time. Then he passed off the duty to the next person, setting the precedent for a peaceful transfer of power.


True or False: "All men are created equal," is written in the Constitution and means that all Americans have equal rights.

False; when written in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was describing the United States' right to self governance and to be treated as equals with other countries such as Great Britain or France.


What body of people are in charge of interpreting the Constitution?

The Supreme Court.


What were the 4 main points of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

  • The ordinance banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. 

  • Guaranteed civil and religious freedom

  • Set aside land for public schools

  • Provided a path to statehood


How do the 9th and 10th Amendments help against government overreach?

They state that even if it is not written in the Constitution, people have rights. And if it is not in the constitution, it is up to the States to decide.


Washington was the only president to not belong to ________?

A political party.


Cling! Clang! Is that someone messing with my kitchen drawers? No, it's a 14th century knight! List as many pieces of armor as you can!
