What is a patriot?
Someone loyal to their country
According to the letter, what do history books teach about Native Americans?
That they were savages and threats to progress
Who is General Custer?
was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars.
What is a reservation, according to the text?
What is a legally designated area of land governed by a Native American tribe?
What do history books say about white men?
That they were heroes and brought civilization
What was the Battle of Little Bighorn?
A major Native American victory over U.S. troops, led by Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse
What does expression mean in paragraph 6?
A representation of ideas and feelings through the arts
What positive aspects of Native American culture does the letter highlight?
Religion, arts, music, history, legend
Why is the Wounded Knee Massacre called a massacre but Little Bighorn is often called a battle?
Perspective—Native American victories are framed as unjustified violence, while U.S. defeats are framed as tragic losses
What does the word treacherous mean, and how is it used in the text?
What is untrustworthy/dangerous, used to describe the treatment of Native Americans
How did Native Americans help defend the U.S.?
They fought in the Wars
Who was William Hale and what was his slogan?
Chicago Mayor - America First was his slogan