The nose :~)
The sentence "Scientists will find a cure for cancer" is an example of a prediction. True or False.
True. We use will / won't to make predictions.
bolest břicha
´Dull or sharp pain in the back
´Stiffness and reduced flexibility
´Muscle spasms
back pain
The shin is located in your face, at the tip of your jaw. True or false.
False, that would be your chin.
The sentence "If you aren't careful, you'll cut your finger!" is an example of the first conditional. True or False.
True, we form the first conditional using present simple in the if clause and will/won't + infinitive without to (in the main clause).
e.g: You'll pass your tests if you study enough.
´Discolored skin (blue, purple, or yellow)´Tenderness
´Swelling (sometimes)
What is the name of bone structure which runs along your body and functions as the main support for your posture?
The spine.
How can we make a prediction less certain?
By using may/might/could with the main clause.
By adding phrases such as I think, I doubt, I'm (somewhat) sure, etc.
to vomit
´Chest pain or discomfort (pressure, squeezing, or burning sensation)´Shortness of breath
´Nausea or vomiting´Cold sweat
´Dizziness or fainting´Pain radiating to arms, jaw, neck, or back
heart attack
Examples: Hand, fingers, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder.
To talk about a fact when something is not possibility in the future we use may not/ might not/ could not for the negative form. True or False.
False. We don't use "could not" for the negative form when talking about a possibility in the future.
bolest v krku
sore throat
krytí rány
´sudden weakness or numbness (usually on one side of the body)´Trouble speaking or understanding speech´Vision problems´Severe headache
´Loss of balance or coordination
The sternocleidomastoid is a muscle. True or False.
True, the sterneocleidomastoid is one of the largest cervical muscles. Its main function relates to the movement of the neck and rotation of the head.
It is given the name sternocleidomastoid because it originates at the manubrium of the sternum (sterno-) and the clavicle (cleido-).
"My teacher will go mad if we keep misbehaving in class" is an example of the first conditional. True or False.
True. First conditional is composed of present simple (if clause) + will + infinitive.
krevní tlak
´Shortness of breath
´Coughing (especially at night or after exercise)
´Tightness in the chest