Silk Road
Indian Ocean Trade

The pattern of caravanserai (inns for traders and travelers) in the above map is most closely associated with which Trade Route? 

Silk Road


What factors contributed the most to the sea routes depicted on the map? (Name 3) 

junk ship, lateen sail, compass, astrolabe, 


Which invention/advancement led to Ibn Battuta's travels and increased trade in West Africa (Sahara)?

domestication of the camel? 

How did the Islamic Empire expand? 

conquest, trade, being lenient rulers, people paid them taxes, they paid their soldiers, and bribed people with gifts for converting 


Which countries/regions were at the center of trade and the most advanced from 0-1450 CE? 

Which region/ continent was not at the center of trade during this time? 

Asia, Africa, Middle East

Europe was not at the center of trade or as advanced. 


What was an effect of the Silk Road? 

spread of religions, technology, ideas 


What inferences can you make about the trade cities on the map? 

They grew because of trade, they had diasporic Muslim merchant communities 


Which group dominated trans-Saharan trade by 1250? 

Muslim merchants


What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? 

statement of faith, daily prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage


What socio-political-economic system does this depict? 



What does the fact that most coins found in a chest in China were from China but there were coins from other regions show us? 

That most trade was within China but there was some long-distance trade happening 


The routes and timings show which characteristics of Omani merchants?

They understood monsoon winds and ocean currents

Why did cities like Timbuktu grow? 

better transportation technology and trade


What was the relationship between Islam and Indian Ocean trade?

Islam increased trade along already existing trade routes


What is Feudalism? 

socio-economic-political system based on land and military protection. Kings gave land to nobles in exchange for military protection. Nobles gave land to knights in exchange for protection. Knights gave land to peasants in exchange for food, and labor and the knights protected the peasants. 


Shu Wenying, Buddhist monk, China, eleventh century C.E.

“Emperor Zhengzong, being deeply concerned with agriculture, came to know that the Champa rice was drought resistant and that the green lentils of India were famous for their heavy yield and large seeds. Special envoys, bringing precious things, were dispatched with a view to securing these varieties. . . . When the first harvests were reaped in the autumn, [the emperor] called his closest ministers to taste them and compose poems for Champa rice and Indian green lentils.”

Why were the Chinese able to grow these crops? 

Increased trade which helped spread this type of rice from Vietnam


What was the relationship between Islam and Indian Ocean trade?

Islam increased trade along the trade routes that were already there


What happened in West Africa (Sahara) as a result of trade?

Spread of Islam into West Africa


Muhammad al-Muqaddasi, Muslim traveler and geographer, treatise, 985 C.E

One day I was saying to my uncle: “Surely it was inappropriate for the caliph al-Walid to spend so much of the wealth of the Muslims to build a grand mosque in Damascus! If he had spent the money on roads and inns for travelers or the restoration of fortresses, it would have been more fitting and more excellent of him.”

the passage suggests that the responsibilities of a good Islamic ruler are

Protecting Muslims and promoting and supporting trade


How was Greek and Roman learning preserved during the Middle Ages in Europe? 

Byzantine Empire and Islamic Empire translated and copied their work and saved it. 


What would be an effect of increased agricultural production? 

growing population 


What spread out from South Asia? 

Buddhism, decimal, zero


What information would a historian researching the spread of iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa find useful?

archeological evidence of forges


Muhammad al-Muqaddasi, Muslim traveler and geographer, treatise, 985 C.E.

My uncle replied: “You don’t understand! Al-Walid was right and he undertook a worthy project. He saw that Syria had been occupied for a long time by the Christians, and he noticed the beautiful churches that still belonged to them, so fair and so renowned for their splendor. So he built a mosque for the Muslims that would divert them from looking at these Christian buildings, one that would be unique and a wonder to the world. In a like manner Abd al-Malik, the caliph before al-Walid, having conquered Jerusalem, saw the greatness and magnificence of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre there and, fearing that it would dazzle the Muslims, ordered the building of the Muslim shrine of the Dome of the Rock.”

Why are there Christians in Syria after the Muslim conquest?

The Islamic Empire allowed people to practice their own religion but they paid taxes to the Islamic Empire


Why did Feudalism start? 

After the Roman Empire fell people left the cities and went to the countryside. They needed protection from Barbarian attacks