Antonin Scalia/Choo Choo trains
Silicon Valley
George Washington Carver
Boom Boom Day

Barack Obama became the first ______ President in U.S. history?


From what country did Scalia's parents immigrate from?



What city and state is Silicon Valley located?

San Fransisco Bay, California


He had a bachelors degree in _____ and graduate study in _______?

agriculture and botany


How did people dress for 4th of July celebrations in the Little House on the Prairie books?

Sunday finest



Barack Obama passed the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare during his presidency. It guaranteed people with _______could get health insurance. (3 words)

preexisting health conditions


What 2 universities did Scalia teach at, and what did he teach?

University of Virginia and University of Chicago

He taught law


Where did Silicon Valley get its name?

William Shockley built transistors out of silicon instead of germanium, his use of silicon eventually gave rise to the name.

pg. 1127


What responsibilities did he have as a teacher at Tuskegee Institute?

teach science, agriculture and art

run a laboratory

pg. 1130


Why do we celebrate Independence day on July 4th?

the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the continental congress on July 4th, 1776


Covid took place during which 2 presidencies?

Trump and Biden


What was the purpose of the "freedom train?"

to reawaken in the American people, the loyalty it is known they have for the American way of life.


Tom Clark wanted to show Americans their founding documents


name at least 5 companies that have been at Silicon Valley.

Google, Apple, HP, Facebook, Netflix, Adobe, eBay, Tesla


Why did he encourage farmers to plant other crops beside just cotton?

it was depleting the soil

pg. 1131


what three presidents or former presidents died on 4th of July?

John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe

pg. 1139


Name the Vice Presidents for Obama, Trump, and Biden

Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Kamala Harris


The American Heritage Foundation gave 1 condition that the train would not stop in a city, what was it?

Any city or town that would not allow blacks and white to visit the train together


What was the Stanford Research park and what are some inventions that have come out of there?

Frederick Terman, dean of engineering had the idea to create a place where technology innovators could start businesses

computer graphics, handheld calculators, electric cars, computer mouse, tech for satellites, etc.


name 2 reasons that Carver believed that farmers should grow peanuts and sweet potatoes. 

they were nutritious

could be grown at different times than cotton

peanuts could produce their own fertilizer

pg. 1131


July 4th celebrations were cancelled during which war, for what reason?

WW2, black outs


Name 3 positive things that Trump did during his presidency.

Increase NATO contributions from other nations.

Moved American Embassy to Jerusalem 

Increased military spending

Created a strong economy

He lowered taxes

Eliminated the penalty for not having insurance under Obamacare

Created the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement


What does it mean that Scalia was an Originalist when it came to interpreting the law?

It means he believed that justices must interpret the  Constitution according to its original meaning.


Describe the significance of the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory for NASA and the military.

world's largest wind tunnel, used by NASA to test most of their spacecraft, planes were designed and test for WW 2 there. 


Carver believed that nature revealed more about who God was. In a letter in 1930, he wrote  two things about the subject. Name one

things in nature are little windows through which he saw much of God's glory, majesty, and power.

he liked to think of nature as broadcasting stations that God uses. 

pg. 1132


Name 2 things that happened during the Bicentennial celebration Operation Sail

hundreds of ships sailed into New York Harbor

USS constitution fired her cannons

10,471 flags were flown over the US Capitol

Gerald Ford gave speech at Valley Forge

at 2:00pm July 4th churches and citizens rang bells

pg. 1141