What are important diagnostic test to run when Lupus is suspected.
Rheumatoid factors, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CBC, antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide, examination of synovial fluid and X-rays.
What are diagnostic tests for RA
Nurse planning for the patient with MS
What is client gets adequate rest, maintains autonomy as long as possible, verbalizes understanding of coping mechanisms and adequately participates in PT, OT and exercise programs.
To be considered noninfectious, individuals with TB disease must meet three criteria:
What are: 1) three consecutive negative AFB sputum smears collected in 8-24-hour interval (at least one must be an early morning specimen), 2) clinical improvement of symptoms, and 3) compliance with treatment regime for two weeks or longer.
Severe diarrhea and abdominal pain.
What are the most common symptoms of IBD.
Monitor blood count, monitor renal and liver functions studies, administering oral medications with food, increasing fluids, monitor for signs of abnormal bleeding and use meticulous hand hygiene
What is nursing care for clients on immunosuppressive drugs
Aspirin, mild analgesics, low-dose oral corticosteroids and DMARDs.
What are the general pharmacological therapies used to treat RA?
Vision problems such as blurry vision, unusual body sensations such as numbness, fatigue, heat related problems, and walking problems.
What are Common early symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
What is the first line of treatment for Anaphylaxis.
The goals of treatment for IBD
What is rest the bowel, alleviate symptoms, control inflammation, combat infection, correct malnutrition and improve quality of life.
Along with avoiding smoking and consuming a healthy diet that includes oily fish a client with SLE should:
What is avoid sun exposure.
What are disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs that may take several weeks or months to see beneficial effects.
An autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the spinal cord and brain
What is Multiple Sclerosis.
Supportive care for Anaphylaxis
What is oxygen for respiratory distress, intravenous fluids for hypotension & removal of target mediators through use of antihistamines & corticosteroids.
Drugs that might be instrumental in decreasing inflammation and achieving remission.